Marty stopped. Somebody was yelling outside. It

was Lorraine.

‘Stop it, Biff!’ she screamed. ‘You’ll break his arm!’

Lorraine? George? Biff?

Biff was still out there! Even though Biff had gotten the Sports Almanac, and Marty had come back here to try to get it back, nothing had really changed about that night at the ‘Enchantment Under the Sea’ dance. Biff and George were still going to have their confrontation! And Marty could still get the book!

‘Of course!’ Marty shouted into the walkie-talkie. ‘I got one more chance! I’ll call you back!'

‘Roger, ten-four,' Doc replied with relief. ‘Message acknowledged. Standing by.’

Marty ran to the office door, unlocked the deadbolt, and took off. He’d have to time this just right, but it could work. It had to!

It was happening all over again. Except, Marty reminded himself, it was really happening for the first time. It was him that was repeating.

He had stopped at the edge of the parking lot, half hidden by the other cars. There, in front of him, were the events that would lead to his mother and father marrying and having a family - Marty included!

Biff and George were facing off.

‘Leave him alone!’ Lorraine cried. She tried to stop Biff, but the burly teenager knocked her down and out of the way. Biff laughed.

And George got pissed! His fingers closed into a fist, his teeth clenched, and he let Biff have it, right in the kisser!

Biff crumpled. He was out cold!

‘Way to go, George!’ Marty whispered to himself. But there was the other Marty, running onto the scene! The later version ducked behind the car.

He knew what happened next, anyway. He should

- he was there.

"Talk about déjà vu ...’ Marty whispered.

Now, George and Lorraine would walk off together, arm in arm, the beginning of a beautiful romance. A crowd would gather around the unconscious Biff. And Marty, the other, earlier Marty, would check that photo - the one where he and his brother and sister were all disappearing, because he had changed the past.

Then the earlier Marty would run off again, too. And that was the here-and-now Marty’s chance!

Marty peeked up over the car. Yep, there was his earlier self, leaving right on schedule.

Now it was time for the new Marty to take over. He ran down to the crowd and pushed his way into Biff.

‘Let me through,’ Marty called. ‘I know CPR!’

A scrawny kid looked up at him with a frown. ‘CPR?’ he asked. ‘What’s CPR?’

What was the scrawny kid’s problem? Everybody knew what CPR was, didn’t they? Oh, that’s right, Marty realised. They probably didn’t, back in 1955.

Marty bent down over Biff.

‘Everybody, move back,’ he shouted to the crowd. ‘Give him some air.’

The crowd obliged, stepping back enough to give Marty some breathing room.

Biff groaned. He was coming to. He blinked as his eyes focused on Marty.

‘Hey!’ Biff shouted angrily. ‘What the - YOU!’