‘You heard her,’ Babs broke in. ‘Make like a banana and split.’

‘I ain’t talkin’ to you!’ Biff snapped. He turned to the other girl. ‘Listen Lorraine, there’s that dance at school tonight. Now that my car’s all fixed, I figured I’d cut you a break and give you the honour of goin' with the best-lookin’ guy in school.'

Lorraine stopped and looked up at the still-smirking boy.

‘Kind of short notice, isn’t it, Biff?’

Biff shrugged generously.

‘Hey, I’m a spontaneous guy.’

Lorraine nodded curtly and started to walk again

‘Yeah, well, I’m busy.’

Biff stepped in front of her so she couldn’t leave.

Yeah? What could be more important than going with me?’

Lorraine glanced at Babs.

‘Washing my hair. ’

Babs started to giggle.

‘Oh,’ Biff replied angrily, ‘that’s about as funny as a screen door on a battleship!’

‘Submarine, y

ou idiot,’ Marty muttered to himself.

A screen door on a submarine! Biff could never get those sayings right!

‘Look, Biff,’ Lorraine said patiently, Tve already been asked to the dance.’

‘By who?’ Biff demanded. ‘That bug, George McFly?’

Lorraine frowned at Biff’s suggestion, her patience at an end.

‘I’m going with Calvin Klein, OK?’

She meant Marty, of course. That Calvin Klein name was the one he’d gone by last time he was here. Lorraine had called him that when she had seen the name sewn into his underwear; and Marty figured that, since he couldn’t very well go by his own name -‘Calvin Klein’ would have to do.

But Biff went crazy when Lorraine mentioned that name. He grabbed Lorraine’s arm and dragged her toward him.

‘No, it’s not OK!’ he screamed. ‘You’re going with me, understand?’

Whoa, Marty thought. Temper, temper. All this because the guy Biff knew as Calvin Klein had made him run his car into a manure truck?

‘Get your hands off me!’ Lorraine shouted back.

Biff was hurting her! Marty wanted to go out there and give Biff some of his own medicine. But he couldn’t show himself to Biff now! That might blow the whole thing, and he’d never find the Sports Almanac!

Lorraine tried to pull away, but Biff wouldn’t let go. Both of Marty’s hands balled into fists without him even thinking about it. He couldn’t just sit here and watch this. Marty bit his knuckle. His mother was always telling him not to fight - not to let the others goad him into something by calling him ‘chicken’. She always wanted him to count to ten. Well, he would; this time, for his mother. But if Biff was stili manhandling Lorraine by the time he was done, Marty would have to go out and stop it - no matter what else happened!

One... two...

‘When are you gonna get it through your thick skull, Lorraine?’ Biff demanded. ‘You’re my girl!’