‘Funny.’ Biff confessed, I never thought it would be you.’

A gun? Marty hadn’t expected a gun.

‘Yeah.’ he said shakily, ‘well, you’re forgetting one -’ Marty’s jaw dropped open as he pointed to Biff’s left. ‘Hey, look!’

Biff jerked his head around, and Marty started to run. Thank goodness Biff still fell for that one.

Biff looked buck, and Marty threw a frisbee-shaped ashtray at him. Biff ducked as Marty ran for the door,

Biff pulled the trigger once, twice, three times.

Bottles and glasses smashed on the bar as Marty ducked the gunfire But Marty was out of there!

He heard Biff yell into the phone as he ran down the hall.

‘Marty Mcfly’s on his way down. Take care of him - permanently.’

Chapter Fourteen

So he didn’t have the Sports Almanac, Marty realised. He didn't really need it, at least not now. Instead, Marty had found out exactly what he needed to know. Now all he needed to do was live long enough to use it.

Tossing that ashtray at Biff had thrown the older man off-balance long enough for Marty to get out of his office. Now what?

He ran down the corridor beyond Biffs office. It was too risky to take one of the elevators. Marty decided to try the stair


He opened the door that led to the stairwell. There was a soft gong sound behind him, the kind of sound an elevator made when it had arrived at your floor!

Marty jumped behind the door. As the door slid slowly closed, he could peek through the crack between door and wall to see Biff s three thugs come out of the elevator. They saw the door closing, too, and walked straight toward him!

They opened the door, with Marty still behind it. He sucked in his stomach and held his breath. If only they didn't look back here!

Marty had an idea. He dug as quietly as he could into his pocket, and pulled out a quarter, then threw it into the stairwell. It clattered as it fell.

‘Hey!’ one of the thugs yelled. All three of them down the stairs.

Marty waited for them to get down a couple of floors before he stepped from behind the doors. Then he took the steps, going up.

Maybe the plan Doc and he had cooked up would work after all.

It was wild up on the roof, like another world.

There was plenty of light up here, but it was all pink and green, spill-off from the huge neon signs on the front of the Pleasure Palace. There was a lot of smoke up here, too - pollution. Marty imagined, from all those smoke stacks. It rolled across the roof, illuminated by the neon into a kind of pastel fog.

He walked to the edge of the roof.


It was twenty-eight storeys, straight down.

‘Go ahead, kid,' a gruff voice called behind him. ‘Jump. A suicide’ll be nice and neat.’

Marty spun around. Biff had found him. He must have heard Marty go up the stairs. And Biff still had his gun.

‘Yeah?’ Marty called back with "a defiance he really didn’t feel. ‘And what if I don’t?’

Biff waved his gun with a smile.