‘Learn the amazing history of the Tannen family, starting with the grandfather, Buford “Mad Dog” Tannen, fastest gun in the west.’

An old, brown tintype appeared on the screen, showing a western gunfighter who looked just like Biff!

‘See Biff humble beginnings-' the announcer continued proudly. There were more childhood photos. ‘- and how a trip to the racetrack on his twenty-first birthday made him a millionaire overnight.’

A photo flashed on the screen of Biff jumping in the air, wads of money clutched in both fists. The announcer went on:

‘Share the excitement of a fabulous winning streak that earned him the nickname, “The Luckiest Man on Earth!"’

Marty glanced over at the woman in the ticket booth. She was staring at him. Did he know her from somewhere? She picked up the phone and started talking into it.

Marty turned back to the video monitor.

‘Learn how Biff parlayed that lucky winning streak into the vast empire called “BiffCo"!’

There was a photo of BiffCo Corporate Headquarters, followed by a shot of row after row of smokestacks - those same smokestacks Marty saw all over town!

‘Witness how Biff changed the face of Hill Valley, making it a centre of industrial growth. Discover how in 1969 Biff successfully lobbied to legalise gambling throughout the land -

There were shots of spinning roulette wheels, cards being dealt, and happy, smiling faces.

‘- to put the dream he had realised into the reach of all Americans. Marvel at Biff’s ongoing relationships with the rich and famous.’

There were a bunch of shots of Biff with celebrities, prominent politicians, and talk show hosts.

‘Meet the women who shared in his passion as he searched for true love.’

More photos followed - top models, starlets, women in swimsuits on magazine covers.

‘And relive Biff’s happiest moment as - in 1973 - he realised his lifelong dream by marrying his high school sweetheart, Lorraine Baines McFly.’

Lorraine Baines McFly? The monitor showed a home movie of Biff coming out of a church with Marty’s mother!

Biff grinned into the camera. ‘Third time's the charm.’ He turned, and kissed Marty’s mother full on the mouth.

‘No!’ Marty screamed. He must be dreaming! Anything but this! ‘NO!’

There was a hand on his shoulder.

Marty turned. There were three guys standing behind him - three guys he knew.

It was Match, 3-D, and Skinhead.

‘Hold on there, squirt,’ Skinhead said with a sneer. ‘You’re comin’ with us. Upstairs.’

Marty tried to pull away.

‘Let me go, dammit!’ he yelled.

Match stuck his index finger in Marty’s face. ‘Look, we can do this the easy way - or the hard way.’

Marty wasn’t going anywhere with these thugs. 3-D pulled a blackjack out of his pocket. Marty pulled back from Skinhead’s grip. He had to get out of here!

3-D chuckled as he swung the blackjack down in an arc towards Marty’s skull.

‘The easy way,’ 3-D said.

Those were the last words Marty heard.