Page 93 of Back To The Future

Biff nodded. “I put it in the garage,” he said. “Just in case it rains.”

Turning and racing to the garage, Marty gasped with amazement when he opened the door. There sat a tricked out black Toyota SR5 truck, as shining and beautiful as when it sat on the showroom floor. Only now it was his!

He ran to it, got inside and caressed the upholstery, gear shift, every switch and dial within reach. Opening the garage door, he was all ready to take a spin when he heard a familiar voice.

“How about a ride, mister?”

It was Jennifer, standing on the parking pad, looking as gorgeous as ever.

“Jen!” he cried. “Are you ever a sight for sore eyes! Let me look at you!”

Jennifer was somewhat taken aback by the unexpected display of emotion. It wasn’t as if they had been separated for a long time, having seen each other only the evening before.

“Are you O.K.?” she asked. “You’re acting like you haven’t seen me in a year.”

“I feel like I haven’t seen you for thirty years,” Marty smiled.

“That’s a long time to be deprived,” she smiled


He pulled her toward him and was about to kiss her when he suddenly felt a rush of electricity race through his body. Jennifer must have experienced it as well, for her hair crackled and literally stood on end for a few seconds.

“Holy—” Marty began.

A sonic boom drowned out the rest of his thought.

The source was Doc Brown’s DeLorean, which roared up to the front of the house and came to a squealing stop. Inside sat Doc Brown, wearing a cowboy hat. When he got out of the car, it was possible to see that he was dressed in a bizarre mixture of clothing types that included striped plastic pants, a cape and strange variation on a Roman tunic.

His features agitated, Doc got right to the point. “Marty,” he said. “You’ve gotta come with me—back to the future!”


“It’s important.”

“But I’ve got Jennifer here,” Marty said. “I was just gonna try out my new wheels.”

“That can wait,” Doc replied. “Anyway, you can bring her along. This concerns her, too.”

Marty felt a strong surge of apprehension. “What do you mean?” he demanded. “Does something happen to her? To us? Do we turn into assholes or something?”

Doc Brown smiled. “No, you and Jennifer turn out fine,” he said. “But your kids! Marty, something’s gotta be done about your kids.”

“Our kids?” Jennifer asked, her head swiveling between Marty and Doc Brown. “What kids? We aren’t even engaged yet…”

“We’ll explain later,” Marty said. “Would you like to come along?”

“Along to where?” she asked.

“The future,” Marty replied. “The year 2015 or thereabouts. I think that’s where Doc was headed—”

“We better hurry,” Doc said.

The two men looked at Jennifer. “Sure” she said. “Why not?”

“O.K. Let’s go,” Doc said.

He lifted the gull-wing door and Marty got in. Jennifer sat on his lap. When Doc Brown jumped behind the steering wheel, Marty reached over to touch his arm.