Page 78 of Back To The Future

His pals hooted. George sighed, sat down, and looked at his watch. It was ten after nine.

Lorraine continued her passionate assault on Marty for perhaps a minute before realizing that something was wrong. Moving away from him, she looked at him closely.

“This isn’t right,” she said.

“Doing this?” he murmured.

“No. What’s wrong is we’re not doing it right. I don’t know what it is…but when I kiss you, something’s wrong…”

“With you or me?”

“I’m not sure. Something’s missing. It’s like…I’m kissing my father.”

Marty looked at her, his eyes wide.

“I guess that doesn’t make much sense, does it?” she said.

“Believe me. It makes perfect sense. Maybe you got it reversed, but the picture is right.”

“What do you think it is?”

“Uh…I don’t know.”

She dropped her hands into her lap. “Damn,” she muttered. “It seemed too good to be true.”


The sound of footsteps alarmed both of them, each for a different reason. Lorraine was afraid some faculty member had spotted the gin bottle and would tell her parents; Marty now had no idea what to do when George arrived. Should he make a quick grab at Lorraine now in a desperate attempt to give George a chance to rescue her? Somehow it didn’t seem appropriate. As Lorraine moved farther away from him on the seat, it didn’t even seem possible. Hoping to avoid the person who was approaching, she was practically out the passenger’s door.

Marty decided to make a lunge for her. As he did so, the driver’s door was opened and a hand reached in to grab his shoulder.

Marty turned to look and was surprised to hear himself gasp.

The face looking into his was not that of George, but Biff Tannen. Behind him stood 3-D, Skinhead, and Match, their faces wreathed in menacing smiles.

“You caused $300 damage to my car, you son of a bitch,” Biff rasped. “And I’m gonna take it outa your ass…Hold him, guys…”

Lifting Marty bodily out of the car, Biff spun him roughly into the arms of Skinhead, who grabbed one of Marty’s arms just as 3-D grabbed the other.

“Good work, guys,” Biff said. “Skinhead thought that was you, sneaking out to the parking lot. We might never have got you alone otherwise.”

He drew back his fist.

“Let go of him!” Lorraine yelled from inside the car, sliding over to the driver’s side. “Leave him alone, Biff! You’re drunk!”

Biff regarded her with a smile that was very close to a leer. “Well, lookee what we have here,” he said. “Maybe I’ll take part of it outa your ass.”

Marty slammed his foot down on Skinhead’s toe, causing him to shout with pain. Then, jack-knifing forward, he threw his elbow up and back, striking 3-D’s jaw solidly. Both boys released their holds but only briefly. Although struggling mightily, Marty was soon helpless in their grasp.

Biff, meanwhile, had leaped into the Packard and grabbed Lorraine.

“Let go of me!” she screamed.

“Oh, no, baby, you’re staying right here with me,” Biff laughed.

Marty pulled his tormentors nearly a foot forward as he tried to get at Biff. “Take your filthy hands off her, you bastard!” he ordered.

Biff smiled coolly at Marty, confident that he could make no trouble. “I’ll take care of you after I take care of her,” he said.