Which he did, she thought dazedly.

At some point, Niesha stopped blushing, the blissful sensation of what he was doing to her overcoming embarrassment as she gave herself over to the magic of his tongue. He teased, nibbled, explored, and then concentrated with single-minded focus on that bundle of nerves at the top of her sex.

Just when she thought there could be no sensation as thrilling as this, he suckled her with steady pressure that detonated a volcano deep in her pelvis.

She cried out

, her whole body tightening for one soul-shaking instant before her world erupted in a billion fragments. Convulsions tore through her as bliss blinded her. An eternity passed. Or it might have been one enchanted minute. Niesha had no idea of the passage of time as she was fully engulfed in pure sensation.

Gradually she became aware that her fingers were curled into Zufar’s hair, holding on tight as the world slowly began to right itself. She was also aware that his breathing was uneven as he trailed kisses against her skin.

It occurred to her that, far from the tightly controlled man who’d carried her into his bedroom, Zufar’s demeanour had altered. He was just as caught up in the fever as she was.

And he’d been that way from the moment she’d mentioned her virginity. Or was she reading too much into it?

She had no time to dwell on it because he was kissing his way back up her body. When they were face to face, he lowered himself onto his elbows, stared deeply into her eyes for a moment before he fused his mouth to hers. The taste of her on his lips should have embarrassed Niesha. But all it produced was a decadent triumph.

She’d done something right. He wasn’t pulling away. He didn’t look disappointed.

If anything, there was an edge to his kiss, an aggression that spoke to a need that matched the one rekindling inside her.

When the need to replenish their breaths forced them apart, his fevered eyes seized hers. ‘Touch me,’ he commanded gruffly.

Her hands trembled wildly, from the strength of her release, and from the nerves that were resurfacing. But the need to feel the warmth of his skin beneath her fingers overcame the nerves.

Just as he’d done to her, she drifted her fingers down his neck. Over his Adam’s apple. His tight swallow and groan told her he liked it. Emboldened, she continued to touch him, caressing the hard muscle of his pecs before trailing her hands down his stomach to settle on his hips.

Zufar’s breathing turned harsh and uneven. With not quite steady hands, he pulled her thighs apart and settled between them. His thick length settled between her folds. Her very wet, very needy folds.

As another wave of embarrassment hit her cheeks, he smiled down at her. ‘Do not be embarrassed by your eagerness for me,’ he murmured. ‘Spread your legs wider,’ he commanded.

She complied, her heart pumping like a runaway racehorse. The broad head of his manhood nudged her flesh and Niesha’s breath strangled in her throat.

‘Be calm,’ he instructed again.

She forced herself to breathe even as her fingers bit into the hard muscles of his arms.

Zufar inhaled sharply then pushed inside her.

The sharp pain took her completely by surprise. She cried out.

He kissed her, hard and swift. ‘Hush,’ he soothed gruffly. He withdrew slowly, then pushed inside her again.

Hot tears welled in her eyes as pain rippled through her again.

Above her, Zufar’s jaw clenched tight, his breathing ragged as he stared down at her with dark, ferocious eyes. ‘The pain will ease.’ It was a directive, as if he had power over her pain too.

For some absurd reason, she believed him. And gave a jerky little nod.

As if that action had triggered something inside him, he gave a rough groan and penetrated her to the hilt. Another shaky cry tore free as tears slid down her temples. And then just as abruptly as it had arrived, the pain disappeared.

‘Tell me how you feel,’ he rasped.

‘I...I’m fine,’ she replied softly, and then realised she was.

Above her, he continued to watch her with hawk-like intensity, dark gold eyes scrutinising every expression. After a moment, he drew back, and pushed back in.

Niesha gasped at the new sensations dancing through her bloodstream. With shallow thrusts, Zufar possessed her, his eyes watching her every move as he joined their bodies.