‘You have returned.’ The observation was deep, husky, lethal to her senses.

She gave a jerky nod, then ploughed ahead before she lost her nerve. ‘We need to talk.’

He tossed the heavy book to one side and stood. ‘I agree,’ he said. ‘But first I need you to take a look at this.’ He picked up a bound document from the coffee table as he came towards her.

She went cold, her heart shredding into smaller pieces. Surely he hadn’t drawn up divorce papers that quickly?

‘What is it?’ Her hands shook as she took the papers he held out to her.

‘Take a look,’ he commanded softly.

She gathered the nerve to look down at the document. Then her heart dropped to her toes. ‘This is... No, it can’t be,’ she said, although a terrified part of her just knew.

‘It is exactly as you see, little one,’ he murmured.

Niesha gasped, that small endearment she had missed so much momentarily overcoming the momentous, life-changing document she held in her hands.

She searched his face, desperately wanting to know if any of this was a cruel joke that would further pulverise her bleeding heart. But as usual, Zufar’s expression was an enigma that challenged and thrilled her at the same time.

But it didn’t stay that way for long. As she searched deeper, his eyes grew lighter, his expression clearing to leave ferocious resolution. ‘Read the document, Niesha,’ he urged again.

Her gaze dropped to the weighty document. At the top of the first page, the heading blared loud and clear—Petition For Abdication.

‘No,’ she breathed again. ‘You can’t do this.’ Her whole body shook as chills went down her spine. ‘You can’t!’ she repeated fiercely.

‘I can, and I have,’ Zufar replied.

She shook her head. ‘No, I won’t let you do this.’

He reached forwards and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. ‘My fierce Niesha. You cannot change what is already done.’

She flung herself away from him. ‘You cannot abdicate. You should’ve checked with me, Zufar.’ Her hand trembled as she waved the paper at him. ‘This is unacceptable.’

He merely smiled. ‘You will reconcile yourself to this too, habibti, because there’s no going back.’

‘But your people. Your kingdom—’

‘Will always be my people and my kingdom. But I will not be their King.’

‘Just like that? But why?’

‘Because I realised that no amount of power or privilege is worth losing you. My place is with you. By your side. I’d give up a thousand kingdoms for the chance to spend a lifetime beside you.’

Hope flared wide and bright through her heart. ‘I...I don’t know what to say.’

‘Say you’re not still considering divorcing me,’ he implored, his jaw clenching tight as he waited for her answer.

‘Saying that would imply I considered it in the first place.’

The grim smile tugged at his mouth. ‘I heard you, Niesha. I’m not ashamed to say it was the worst moment of my life.’

‘Then I wish you’d stayed a moment longer because you would’ve heard me decline the suggestion. I admit it did cross my mind, but only because I thought you wanted it.’

‘When did I give you that impression?’

‘When you said there were hard choices to be made. I thought you meant going our separate ways.’ Her eyes fell to the paper. ‘But you meant this, didn’t you?’

He gave a single, solemn nod. ‘Yes.’