He gave a dry laugh of his own then, unable to resist, he stepped forward and slid a hand around her waist. ‘No. That skirt you’re wearing covers you a little too well.’

‘I’m not showing yet. And can we drop the wardrobe preferences for a minute?’

Splaying his fingers on her lower back, he pulled her closer until the top of her head was just below his chin, and he was breathing in the alluring scent of her apple shampoo and heady perfume.

‘I wasn’t as accommodating to your concerns as I should’ve been two days ago.’

She tensed, but she didn’t move away from him. Ramon chose to see that as a victory.

‘I feel like we’ve been here before but this time on a much grander scale. Is this your way of apologising?’ she asked.

He allowed himself a small smile. ‘If I say I need time to find the right words will you ride in my limo again?’

‘Been there, done that,’ she quipped. ‘I’m wearing the metaphorical T-shirt right now.’

His hand left her waist to catch her feisty chin in his hand. ‘You wear it beautifully and bravely. And your concerns have been noted and acted upon.’

Her gaze searched his. ‘Really?’



‘Leave the logistics to me. Just rest assured that, should we need them, the doctors will be there.’

She nodded after a handful of seconds, relief lightening her eyes. ‘Thank you.’

‘De nada.’

She started to step away. He scrambled with a reason to hold her close. When no coherent ones punched through the atmosphere of his confusion, he simply splayed his hand over her belly, feeling the slight firmness where his child was beginning to establish its presence.

She froze. A light quivering transmitted through his fingers. Her lowered gaze remained on his chest. Hiding from him.

‘Look at me, Suki.’ He waited for her gaze to reconnect with his. ‘This baby matters. But you matter equally. Entiendes?’

Her eyes grew bright. Then she nodded.

The tightness in his chest eased a fraction. Not enough to give him peace, but it was a start. ‘Are you ready to leave?’

She glanced around, clocked the people hovering nearby. ‘There are about a dozen people waiting to talk to you.’

‘They’re not important. Besides, every single piece sold out an hour ago and commissions are flooding in for the artists. My work here is done.’ His pride in his fellow artists and the work his foundation was doing was undeniable. But right now he wanted to get out of here. Wanted to test the waters with the daunting plan that loomed larger in his brain with every passing minute.

‘If you’re sure?’ She set her untouched drink down.

The faint shadows beneath her eyes sealed his answer. ‘I’m sure. Let’s go.’

He meshed his fingers through hers, kept the inevitable interaction between the room and the door to a minimum. He felt her slight hesitation as his limo pulled up.

Their interactions in the back of his limos had so far been...memorable. The hot tug of need to his groin confirmed which of the experiences he would repeat given the choice.

Helping her into the car, he slid in behind her and gave the instructions for the airport.

She glanced at him in surprise. ‘We’re leaving right now?’

‘I thought we’d kill two birds with one stone. You’re tired and need to get some sleep. I need to catch up on Acosta Hotel business before we land in Madrid. We can do both on the plane.’

And once she was awake, he would proceed.