She turned, spotted Svetlana on the next wall over.

Please. Please. Hold it together. From the dregs of her whittled emotions, she summoned up a smile. ‘Nothing’s wrong. Absolutely nothing. Did you take care of your business?’

He stiffened, his eyes narrowing. ‘Yes.’

‘Oh. Good.’

Two guests approached. One grabbed his arm. ‘Ramon? There you are. We’ve been searching everywhere for you. Come and meet—’

‘Pardon me a moment,’ Ramon rasped, ignoring his guests to frown down at her. ‘Suki—’

With her last particle of energy, she waved him off. ‘It’s okay. You’re the host. Go and do your thing. I’ll find you if I need you.’

He didn’t fail to catch the stress in her words. His jaw clenched, but, short of being rude to his invited guests, he had no choice but to be cordial.

The hot, ragged breath that poured from the depths of her soul strangled when her gaze locked with Svetlana’s.

The Russian didn’t need to say one word. Her smug smile said it all.

* * *

How she managed to get herself up to the suite and into bed would remain a puzzle to her for ever.

At first she thought she was dreaming when she heard him call her name. The firm hand on her shoulder woke her into a fresh recollection of her nightmare. Turning over in bed, she stared at the tall form of Ramon cast in half-shadow from the bathroom vanity light. Beneath the drapes, sunlight filtered through.

She sat up, praying there was no trace of the tears she’d shed. ‘Yes?’ she croaked.

‘You left the exhibition without me last night.’

‘You were...occupied.’

He took a step closer, reached for her bedside lamp. ‘No!’

He froze. ‘It’s nine in the morning. Any reason why you prefer to converse in the dark?’

Because seeing you will hurt too much.

‘I had...have a slight headache.’ And a very large heartache. ‘What do you want, Ramon?’

‘I’ve been contacted by your mother’s doctors. She wishes to speak to you.’

Her heart lurched as she sat up. ‘Is she okay?’

‘She’s having second thoughts about the next course of treatment. They tried to reach you earlier but didn’t get through. Nor did I last night.’ The question was clear in his tone.

She’d seen his phone calls but hadn’t been able to bring herself to answer them. ‘I silenced it so I could sleep.’

Reaching for the phone, she flipped the mute button off, still unable to look him in the eye. ‘I’d like to call my mother now, please.’

‘Suki, we need to talk—’

‘I don’t want to keep my mother waiting.’

Grim silence met her request. Then he nodded and left the room.

Suki was one hundred per cent sure the sensation zipping through her wasn’t relief. For the moment she pushed her turmoil aside and dialled her mother’s hospital.

But it wasn’t her mother who answered, but the doctor.