The journey back was swift and uneventful. Not so much the palpable tension that rose between them the moment they stepped off the plane and onto his helicopter.

Ramon told himself that the anticipation firing through his veins was born of the primal need to ensure his family and legacy survived the tragic circumstances that had befallen him.

But as the rotors beat relentlessly towards his villa, he realised the woman too counted. For whatever reason nature saw fit, the chemistry between Suki and him transcended all logical explanation. Svetlana might have committed the physical act of cheating on him with other men, but in the handful of times he’d interacted with Suki when Luis had attended a function with her, the evidence of the unmistakable chemistry between them had caused Ramon more than a hint of discomfort.

Perhaps that had been the reason he’d acted so deplorably on the night of her birthday. Entering the pub and seeing Luis holding her hand had unexpectedly jarred. Recognising the emotion as dark rancid jealousy hadn’t improved a mood that had already been in a black pit after discovering the true extent of Svetlana’s infidelity. Perhaps taking Suki to bed that night had been his own way of salving the indignity to his manhood and pride.

For sure, he’d woken up in the early hours more than a little unimpressed with his behaviour. Not enough that he’d regretted the hours he’d spent in Suki’s bed. But enough to know that retreat was best for everyone in that moment.

He glanced at her now, completely certain there would be no retreat now.

She was his.

At least until she bore him a child. What came after that would be decided when the time was right.

He took her hand the moment the helicopter landed in Cienfuegos. He noted the slight lag in her steps and suppressed the apprehension that rose within him. She’d barely touched her food on the plane and her eyes had grown steadily darker and her face pinched.

Dios. Anyone would think she was a virgin headed for the slaughter. Wasn’t she though, to all intents and purposes? She’d only had one previous lover bar him. One sexual encounter. The primitive part of the alpha male in him had been more than thrilled at that admission, but he hadn’t failed to notice her lack of experience on their first night together.

His racing libido throttled down a notch. Entering the main salon, he pulled her to a stop before him. Despite her heeled sandals, she needed to tilt her head to meet his gaze.

So small.

Yet so strong.

His gaze drifted over her, fresh hunger clawing through him, but he couldn’t ignore the obvious.

‘You’re nervous,’ he observed.

She laughed self-deprecatingly. ‘Give the man a prize.’

‘Have you forgotten that we’ve done this before?’

If anything, her tension increased. ‘After which you left my bedroom without so much as an adios, if I recall.’ Her voice was hushed, but there was a strained note in it that was more than the hurt he sensed.

Ramon got the distinct impression he’d been judged and found wanting, which shouldn’t have surprised him considering his own admission of his less than stellar conduct. But still, a thousand tiny pinpricks dragged over his skin. ‘A lot of what happened that night was...unfortunate.’

Her face tightened. Her eyelashes dropped to fan her cheeks. ‘I see.’

He caught and lifted her chin with his finger. ‘But not what happened in the car, or in your bed,’ he clarified firmly.

Her face remained closed. ‘I don’t really see the point in dissecting it any more. What happened...happened.’

Ramon should’ve been pleased. He wasn’t.

Letting go of her, he walked to the drinks cabinet. About to pour them both a drink, he hesitated. Alcohol was a hard no for her considering what they were trying to achieve. And he would do well to keep his wits about him.

About to suggest an alternative, he stopped when she glanced at the door. ‘I’m going upstairs a shower.’

Great idea, he wanted to say, but one look at her face told him she intended it to be a solo mission.

Suppressing the torrid images, for now, he nodded. ‘I’ll be up shortly.’

She opened her mouth, as if to contradict him, but, face still set in unhappy lines, she walked out of the room.

He shoved a hand through his hair.

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