She glanced at the far wall, noticing that it was only half done. ‘How did they take you firing them mid-project?’

His mouth twitched but it was with something other than humour. ‘I got them to see that our differences of opinion were deeply ingrained in fundamental issues and that it was best we parted ways immediately.’

She walked further into the room, mourning the plain walls where beautiful stained glass and intricate carvings should’ve been. ‘I can’t believe they did...this! Did you manage to save any of the original features?’

To her surprise, he nodded. ‘Teresa’s husband, Mario, is the caretaker. He had the wherewithal to ensure everything taken from here was kept intact. Are you interested in a restoration project?’

She gasped. ‘Of course! My last big job was a restoration on a country house in Sussex. It wasn’t as big as this or anywhere near as intricate but I’d love to sink my teeth into this, if you’re okay with that?’

‘I’m okay with that. Mario will show you where he stored the stone and other features. But this will happen only—’

‘When I’ve fulfilled my other duties. I know.’

His lids descended over his eyes for a minute before he walked further into the room. Stopping before her, he said, ‘The tour I promised will have to wait. I have a few more calls to make and we have an early start tomorrow. I want you rested.’

Despite the heat crawling up her neck, she returned his gaze. ‘You don’t need to keep doing that, Ramon.’

One eyebrow lifted. ‘Keep doing what?’

‘Reminding me that we’ll be...that I’ll be...’

‘Taking my seed into your body come tomorrow night?’ he finished helpfully, not an ounce of embarrassment in sight.

She reddened fiercer. ‘Oh, my God, who talks like that?’

He ignored the question, his fingers rising to trace her hot cheek. ‘You blush so readily, guapa. One could be fooled into thinking you’re one step removed from the very angels.’ The observation was flat, but tinged with a definite thread of censure.

And just like that the lighter mood was gone.

‘If anyone chooses to make assumptions about me, that’s their problem. I never claimed to be angelic. But I’m also not the heartless devil you think I am. I’m sorry that you see me that way.’

His fingers snaked past her jaw and beneath her loose hair to cup her nape. ‘Are you?’

Having seen the pain he was in, a part of her understood his emotions. ‘Yes, I am.’

‘That remains to be seen, I guess.’

Her heart quaked. Resolutely, she stepped away. ‘Don’t forget those calls you need to go and make.’

He stayed where he was, watching her for a further minute. ‘Buenas noches, Suki.’

She didn’t respond. The emotions surging into her throat wouldn’t let her. So she stood silently as he walked out of the room. Then, unable to stay in the starkly minimalist apology for a room, she walked out of the French doors onto the pillared terrace.

Down a short flight of stairs the under-lit swimming pool glinted invitingly. The night air cooled her on the outside but, inside, she was still reeling from Ramon’s words. By the events of the day.

Ramon had never answered her question about how long he’d known about the baby, but if he’d discussed it with Luis then he’d known for a few months. She shuddered to think how long he’d held on to his anger. How long he intended to hold her in such an unforgiving light. Until she gave him another child?

How could they even make love when there was such acrimony between them?

I don’t need to like you to take you to bed. And vice versa.

Recalling the words sent another shiver through her, along with the disarming acceptance that it was true. Although he’d apologised for his uncouth comments, he hadn’t exactly been bursting with poetry and roses that night ten months ago.

And she, regardless of his lack of warmth, hadn’t minded in the least. Her body had thrilled to his touch, had lapped up every particle of attention he’d generously delivered to her.

Her escalating heartbeat now mocked her with that remembered thrill. Mocked her with the fact that he only had to touch her for her senses to threaten to dive into free fall. The cold, hard truth was that making love with Ramon even for the clinical sake of conceiving a child wouldn’t be the most difficult thing she would ever do.

But the risk to her soul, the knowledge that this could all emotionally backfire spectacularly if she wasn’t careful, stayed with her long after she’d returned to her suite and slid beneath the sheets.