‘Sakis, for goodness’ sake! We’re in your office.’

‘My locked office. And it’s the end of the day for everyone else except us.’

‘I still think...’

He kissed her, the temptation too much to resist. That it effectively shut her up was a great bonus, as was her fractured moan that vibrated through him.

He made easy work of the zipper of her dress and slid it off with minimal protest. He didn’t notice what she wore beneath until he spread her backwards across his desk. A strangled choke made its way up his throat as he froze.

‘Theos, tell me you haven’t been wearing lingerie like these since you started working for me?’

A provocative smile dispelled the nervous apprehension on her face. ‘Fine. I won’t.’

She stretched under his gaze, arching her back in a sinuous move that made him think of a sleek cat. Over the top of the bustier bra that connected the garter to the top of her sheer stockings, the plump slopes of her breasts taunted him. His mouth watered and his fingers itched to touch with a need so strong he staggered forward. Roughly he pulled one cup down and circled a rosy nipple with his tongue.

Her ragged cry of delight was music to his ears, because the knowledge that he wasn’t in this insane feeling alone soothed a stunned and confused part of him.

He rolled the nub in his mouth and tugged with his teeth while he frantically undressed. Naked, he straightened and glanced down at her, spread across his desk like a decadent offering. Struck dumb, he just stared at her stunning perfection.

‘You’re about to tell me you’ve imagined me spread out like this across your desk, aren’t you?’ she asked huskily.

Surprisingly, this particular scenario had never once crossed his mind. ‘No, and it’s a good thing too. I don’t think I’d ever have got any work done if I had a picture such as this in my mind,’ he rasped, his voice thick and alien. ‘I’ve imagined you elsewhere though—in my shower, across the back seat of my car, in my lift...’

A shiver went through her. ‘Your lift?’

‘Ne. In my mind, my private lift has seen a lot of action featuring you in very many compromising ways. But this beats even my most fevered imaginings.’

He continued to stare at the vision before him. He must have stared for too long because she started to squirm. With one hand he held her down. With the other, he pulled down the skimpiest thong ever created and slid his hands between her thighs. Her wet heat coated his fingers and in that moment Sakis believed he’d never been so turned on. The next moment, he realised he was wrong.

Brianna laid her hand on his thigh and that simple action sent his heart rate soaring out of control. Then her hand moved upward...and her searching fingers boldly settled over his hard length.


‘Wrong deity,’ she responded saucily.

His laugh scraped his throat as she gripped him hard. From root to tip, she caressed him, over and over, until he was sure he’d lost his hold on reality. His altered state was why he didn’t read her intention when she moistened her lip and wriggled down his desk. Before he could admonish her for not staying put, she boldly took him in her perfect mouth.

‘Brianna!’ He slammed a hand on the desk to steady himself against the deep shudder powering through him. The sight of him in her mouth nearly unmanned him. His breath hissed out as he fought not to gush his climax like a hormonal teenager right then and there. He groaned deep and long as her tongue swirled over him and her hand pumped, teased, threatened to blow his mind to smithereens. ‘Yes! Just like that!’

He suffered the sweet torture until the tell-tale tightening forced him to pull back. When she clung and made a sound of protest, Sakis seriously considered giving in, but no...

The chance to take her again, stamp his possession on her, was paramount. He needed to obliterate that distance he’d sensed her trying to put between them. The reason for it was irrelevant. The need was too strong to question.

He trailed hot kisses down her body, making her squirm anew for him. The seconds it took to locate and put on the condom felt like decades. But at last he parted her thighs and positioned himself at her entrance. She lifted her head and looked at him, her expression one of rapt hunger that almost equalled his own.

‘Are you invested in this?’ he rasped.

A glimmer of alarm skittered through her eyes. ‘Sakis...’

‘Are you? Because I am, Brianna.’

Her mouth parted on a shocked exhalation. ‘Please, Sakis, don’t say that.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because you don’t mean it.’

‘Yes, I do. I fought it for as long as I could, but in the end it was no use. I want you. I want this. Do you want it too?’