‘His salary was wired to a routing account that went to a Swiss bank account. Those are a little tougher to crack.’

Surprise shot him upright. He turned to Brianna. ‘Did we flag that up in his HR details?’

She bit her lip. Heat flared in his groin, followed closely by another guilty twinge for his harsh tone. ‘No,’ she answered.

Sakis sucked in a deep breath. ‘That will be all, Sheldon. Let me know as soon as you have anything new.’

Sheldon nodded and left.

Silence reigned for several minutes. Then Brianna walked forward. ‘I’m expecting an “I told you so”.’

He settled his attention fully on her in a way he’d been reluctant to do with another person in the room. Even now he feared his features would betray the extent of the alien emotions roaring through him.

Theos, he needed a drink. Why the hell not?

‘There’s no point. It is what it is.’

‘Then why are you pouring yourself a drink in the middle of a work day?’

‘It’s not the middle of the day, it’s almost five o’clock.’

‘It’s five o’clock for most people but for you it’s not, since you work till midnight most nights.’

Sakis barely glanced at the fifty-year-old single malt as he lifted it to his lips and drained it. ‘If you must know, I’m trying to understand what drives anyone to depths of betrayal such as this with little regard for how it’ll hurt their family and people who care about them.’

She started to come towards him and his senses leapt, but at the last moment she veered away and started straightening the papers on his desk. Sakis barely stopped himself from growling his frustration.

‘And are you getting any answers from the bottom of your glass?’

He slammed the glass down and strode to where she stood. ‘Are you trying to rile me? Because, trust me, you’re succeeding.’

‘I’m just trying to make you see that you can’t blame yourself for the choices other people make. You can either forgive them or...’


For a single moment, her face creased with something similar to the bitterness and despair clawing through him. ‘Or you can cut them out of your life, I suppose.’

He frowned. ‘Who cut you out of their life, Brianna?’

Stark pain washed over her features before she tried to mask it. ‘This isn’t about me.’

He took her by the arms. ‘It most definitely is. What did she do to you?’

She made a sound that caught and tightened around his heart. The sort of sound a wounded animal made when they were frightened.

‘She...she chose drugs over me.’ She stopped and sucked in a gulping breath. ‘I don’t really want to talk about this.’

‘You encouraged me to bare my soul to you this morning. I think it’s only fair that you do the same.’

‘More therapy?’ She tried pull away but he held fast.

‘Tell me about her. Where is she? Is she still alive?’

A sad little shiver went through her. ‘Yes, she’s alive. But we’re not in touch. We haven’t been for a while.’

‘Why not?’

She cast a desperate glance around, anywhere but at him. ‘Sakis, this isn’t right. I’m your... You’re my boss.’