This time she didn’t refuse his offer of help when they stepped into the shallow water. After making sure the vessel was secure, he followed her onto the floodlit beach.

When he neared, he caught another glimpse of distress on her face.

‘What’s wrong? Why were you on the salvage boat? And, before you trot out “nothing”, I’d advise you not to insult my intelligence.’

He saw her hesitate, then shove her hands into her pockets. This time, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at her chest. Thankfully, she didn’t notice because her gaze wasn’t on him.

‘I was talking to the some of the locals earlier. This cove was a special place for them, a sanctuary. I...I felt bad about what’s happened.’

Guilt lanced through him. But, more than that, the rare glimpse into Brianna Moneypenny’s human side intrigued him more than ever. ‘I’ll make sure it’s returned to them as pristine as it once was.’

Her gaze flew up and connected with his, surprise and pleasure reflected in her eyes. ‘That’s good. It’s not nice when your sanctuary is ripped away from you.’ The pain accompanying those words made him frown. Before he could probe deeper, she stepped back. ‘Anyway, I assured them you would make it right.’

‘Thank you.’

She started to walk towards the fleet of four-wheelers a short distance away. Their driver stood next to the first one.

‘I reserved a suite for you at the Noire. Your case was taken there a few hours ago and your laptop and phones are in the jeep. I’ll see you in the morning, Mr Pantelides,’ she tagged on.

Sakis froze. ‘You’ll see me in the morning? Aren’t you coming with me?’

‘No,’ she said.

‘Why not?’

‘Because I’m not staying at the hotel.’

‘Where exactly are you staying?’

She indicated the double row of yellow tents set up further up on the beach, away from the bustle of the clean-up work.

‘I’ve secured a tent and put my stuff in there.’

‘What’s wrong with staying at the same hotel I’m staying in?’

‘Nothing, except they didn’t have any more rooms. The suite I reserved for you was the last one. The other hotels are too far away to make the commute efficient.’

Sakis shook his head. ‘You’ve been on your feet all day with barely a break— Don’t argue with me, Moneypenny,’ He raised a hand when she started to speak. ‘You’re not sleeping in a flimsy tent on the beach with machines blasting away all around you. Go and get your things.’

‘I assure you, it’s more than adequate.’

‘No. You say I have a suite?’


‘Then there is no reason why we can’t share it.’

‘I would rather not, Mr Pantelides.’

The outright refusal shocked and annoyed him in equal measures. Also another first from Brianna Moneypenny was the fact that she wasn’t quite meeting his gaze. ‘Why would you rather not?’

She hesitated.

‘Look at me, Moneypenny,’ he commanded.

Blue eyes... No, they weren’t quite blue. They were a shade of aquamarine, wide, lushly lashed and beautiful...and they met his in frank challenge. ‘Your room is a single suite with one double bed. It’s not suitable for two, um, professionals, and I’d rather not have to share my personal space.’

Sakis thought of the countless women who would jump at the chance to share ‘personal space’ with him.