The brazen possession of her sex with his mouth brought a scream that echoed through the hallway. The descent into lustful madness was instantaneous and comprehensive as pleasure imploded through her. The onslaught of her first orgasm was a stunningly unique experience that suspended time itself.

The sensation of being thrown over one broad shoulder and carried to his vast, palatial bedroom remained a delicious haze, very soon after replaced by the vivid reality of Javier, gorgeous, powerful and intensely aroused, his face stamped with carnal intent as he loomed over her.

Dark eyes locked onto hers. ‘I can’t wait to make you mine, tesoro mio.’


‘Wrap your legs around my waist. Tighter.’

The broad head of his erection nudged her opening. Nerves pinched at her excitement. The lower lip she bit in agitation was kissed free, his tongue probing her mouth to fan the flames of desire engulfing her.

Sweet languidness stole through her. Javier thrust swift and deep, then grimaced at her sharp scream.

‘Lo siento, querida. Forgive me, it couldn’t be helped.’ Sure hands caressed her cheeks and throat, kisses planted on her lips until the hurt subsided.

Decadent fire soon replaced the ache, the residual discomfort trailing away to leave a sensation so unique and incredible, her mouth dropped open in wonder when he pulled back and slowly thrust again.

‘Javier,’ she breathed.

‘Sí, I know,’ he groaned, a deep shudder moving through him as he repeated the move. ‘I wondered whether this chemistry was only in my imagination,’ he confessed, the look in his eyes almost bashful. ‘You have no idea how much it pleases me that it is not.’

Delight at her part in this indescribable union brought a sultry smile. ‘I think I have some idea.’

His deep, low laugh, almost as captivating as what was happening to her, stopped her breath. The inkling that something totally out of her control was taking place in this bed, in this room, skittered over her skin.

It evaporated a second later when he moved again. Then she was hanging on for dear life, every emotion she’d ever experienced paling into insignificance in the face of the raw, unadulterated pleasure spinning her into oblivion.

The oblivion continued deep into the night, each experience unbelievably better than the last.

And then morning arrived.

A glance at the man she’d given her innocence to sent her emotions into freefall. She’d read somewhere that you never forgot your first. Javier Santino had attained unforgettable status even before they’d shared their first kiss.

As she lay there, Carla let herself wonder what it would be like if her life were different...if Javier were a permanent fixture and not a painfully temporary one...if the quick Internet search she’d done in the bathroom last night hadn’t compared his affairs to high-octane roller-coaster rides—blood-pumping, exhilarating, but over in a blink of an eye.

‘Buenos dias, cariño.’

Carla would never know whether it was the deep, sexy greeting or the firm tug of demanding hands she never wanted to let her go that had done it.

But the fear that she was already addicted to Javier...had been real and immediate and frightening, and yet another dimension to a complicated life she couldn’t afford.

Pushing him away, she leapt out of bed, keeping her back to him so her bewildered feelings wouldn’t show. ‘I have to go.’

‘What’s the hurry? It’s Sunday. Let me feed you breakfast, then we can spend the day however you want. Personally, I’d prefer we stay in bed, but—’

‘No! What happened last’s not going to happen again,’ she forced out.

Tense silence finally made her glance over her shoulder. She glimpsed the stony, puzzled expression on his face. And fled.

He caught up with her in the hallway where she was busy tugging on her dress. ‘What the hell’s going on, Carla?’

Several avenues of explanation opened up before her, most of which revolved around newly emerging feelings. None of which she could voice.

So she shrugged. ‘Draco will be wondering where I am. I need to get back to him.’

Nostrils flared with displeasure. ‘Or you could use that incredible invention called the phone and let him know you’re with me,’ he rebutted.

The temptation to do that lanced her, terrifying her with its brutal insistence. What on earth was wrong with her? ‘I’d much rather leave.’