‘Like most men, the thought of spending hours choosing clothes makes me want to stick pins in my eyes. No, you have Tatiana to thank for your little windfall.’

‘Oh...thanks, but I can’t accept them.’

His smile disappeared. Slowly he retraced his steps until he stood in front of her. ‘You wouldn’t be leaping to the same conclusions you did on the plane, would you?’ he asked softly.

Her face flamed. ‘No, of course not. But I’m not in the habit of accepting charity—’

‘What about gifts from friends?’ he demanded, and then he frowned, his nostrils flaring with a touch of discomfort.

She forced herself not to gape. ‘Are we friends, Bastien?’

‘I’m attempting to be less...ogre-like.’

She laughed. ‘That frown you’re wearing makes a mockery of the attempt.’

His lips pursed. ‘Fine. If you feel so strongly about my gift you can return the clothes when you leave.’

Ana bit her lip, trying and failing not to read too much into this change overcoming Bastien. He had gentleness in him. She knew that. But history had taught her that it was foolhardy to lower her guard.

Without warning he pressed his thumb over her mouth, stilling her action. Heat mushroomed inside her, stopping her breath as effectively as a kick to the solar plexus. She released her lip, unable to stop her mouth from pressing against his thumb.

His strong throat moved on a convulsive swallow. Slowly his thumb stroked her mouth, his eyes fiery and intense. Wanton desire tortured her, weakening her knees, leaving her trembling from head to toe.

Someone moaned. Absently Ana realised it had come from her throat. And somewhere along the way she’d loosened her hold on the robe.

Bastien’s gaze slid slowly over her, gleaming, darkening. He uttered something unintelligible in French. His thumb’s pressure increased. Ana’s lips tingled, heat rushing over her as she gave in to her need and sucked his thumb into her mouth.

‘Non!’ The denial was wrenched from his throat and he stepped back. He swallowed again. ‘I will not do this. I will not be like—’

He froze, shoved a hand through his hair before walking stiffly to the door.

‘Bastien...?’ She stopped, unsure of what to say.

With one hand on the handle, he paused. ‘The clothes are yours. Use them. Don’t use them. Your choice. But if you wish to ride with me be downstairs in five minutes.’

Ana clutched the bedpost, barely able to stand.

It was happening again. This blind desire, this unstoppable craving that dogged her every time she came within three feet of Bastien. At least he had a handle on his control—enough to stop himself before things went too far.

Whereas she...

Anxiety bit deep at the thought of putting herself in Bastien’s presence again so soon. But the fighter in her rebelled at hiding away in her room.

She would borrow the clothes and go for a ride with him. What better way to show him she was as unaffected as he was than by spending a few hours with him without making a fool of herself? Proving that she could control her wayward emotions?

She unzipped the case and found familiar labels neatly stacked. Ana lifted a pair of cream jodhpurs and slid them on, topping it with a camisole and sweater set in chocolate-brown. Black riding boots completed the ensemble, and for the first time in days she felt comfortable. Scraping back her hair into a neat ponytail, she picked up the riding jacket and left her room.

Bastien stood waiting at the bottom of the stairs. ‘Tatiana also brought your new contract. Come into my study. You can sign it there.’

Ana frowned ‘What new contract?’

‘The one that replaces your old one, whose terms you violated. A copy was faxed to your agency yesterday.’

‘What...what does it say?’ Old and familiar shame crawled up her spine as she followed him down the hall.

‘More or less what the old one said. You can read it for yourself. If you’re happy with it Chantal will witness it.’ He opened the study door and waved her in.

In the large, unashamedly male space, dominated by a huge antique desk, the scent of burning cedarwood drifted from a low fire. But Ana didn’t dwell on the charm or the warmth of the room. Her eyes were drawn hypnotically to the document on Bastien’s desk.