Slowly Bastien lowered himself over her, his gaze capturing hers as he nudged her entrance. Tension, excruciating and urgent, flowed between them, feeding the heady anticipation of their union. A strangled moan escaped her throat as he probed deeper. Her fingers tingled, fluttered closer to hold him. Capturing her hand, he imprisoned it above her head. The thrill of semi-freedom sent a bolt of pleasure through her. With her free hand she clasped his buttock.

He responded by surging into her.

Her wince coincided with his gasp of disbelief.

Ana tried to keep her face blank as his gaze searched hers, but she knew he’d caught her reaction. She closed her eyes as he froze.

‘Ana, look at me,’ he demanded hoarsely.

She lifted her gaze. She’d been expecting disappointment, maybe censure. But she encountered a blistering gaze filled with a hunger that stopped her breath.

‘You’re beautiful. Incredible,’ he said simply.


p; The words broke something free inside her. Instinctively she moved, sliding her inner muscles along his rigid length.

A heartfelt groan rumbled through his chest. Acclimatising to the reactions of her body, she moved again, shuddering with the pleasure that came with the minute action. Bastien clasped her hips, stilled her.

For endless moments he remained still. Then with a harsh groan he surged deeper. Ecstasy rolled through her. Eagerly she awaited his next thrust, her heart pounding when it arrived, more incredible than the last.

All too soon the tingling began—fiercer, sharper than before. When it swept her away Ana knew she’d only experienced a fraction of pleasure the first time. Hoarse cries seared her throat as she soared higher and higher.

Bastien plunged deeper, his movements frantic, his skin sweat-slicked as he dipped his head to kiss her. She responded with fervour, her senses clamouring to give him as much satisfaction as he’d given her.

Their tongues met and he groaned deeply. With one last surge he tensed, freezing for a moment in time before a series of convulsions shook his frame.

Ana clasped him to her, her chest meeting his hot, damp skin as he settled on her. Against her heart she felt his thunder wildly, echoing her own’s chaotic beat.

Tu es perfecto.

She wasn’t sure whether she’d said the words aloud. She didn’t care. She felt too replete, too sated. Her eyelids fluttered, drifted down. She tried to fight sleep, managed a feeble protest when Bastien dropped a kiss on the corner of her mouth and left the bed. But it was no use.

And Ana’s last thought before sleep claimed her was that her life would never be the same again.


HE’D PULLED THE sheet over her when he’d left the bed but now one foot had escaped. Its delicate arch teased him, taunted him with a want he’d hoped to ease by now.

Bastien stared at it, willed himself not to reach for it.


There were important things to work through, figure out. He needed to leave, to return to his own bedroom.

You’re in your own bedroom.

Hell, he was losing it. His jaw clenched tight.

Since he’d stepped foot inside that courtroom and seen Ana again everything had fallen off-kilter. He was being buffeted by emotions he didn’t know what to do with.

His brain especially seemed to be playing tricks on him. Otherwise why would he have imagined Ana’s virginity? And why would the thought have sent such a thrill through him? Why would he be perched on the edge of the bed now, watching her sleep, wishing he could wake her up and experience their incredibly exhilarating lovemaking over and over again?

He shoved a hand through his hair and started to rise.

She stirred, lazily stretching, tempting the sheet down a little further. Fire roared through his veins. He had to get out of here. There were several guestrooms where he could spend the rest of the night.

Seductive eyes opened, focused on him. ‘Is it still night?’