Her eyes slid from his, distress evident in her face. ‘I...I’ve been wondering if my mother has anything to do with the drugs...’

Her gaze clashed with his for a fleeting second, then slid away again. But in that split moment he glimpsed deep hurt in their soulful depths.

Bastien realised how difficult it had been for her to admit that. And how brave. He cupped her face in his hands. The pulse of arousal still throbbed in his blood but an underlying tenderness rose out of nowhere—an urge to comfort her that swamped him, left him unable to breathe. He wanted to step back, to withdraw from the feeling, but he found he couldn’t move. Found his hands gentling, his head dipping so he could look into her eyes.

‘Why do you think it was her?’ he asked softly.

Her breath shuddered out. ‘She was fired from her job. Sh

e gets mean when she’s upset, but after our conversation yesterday I’m not so sure...’ She choked to a halt.

‘I’ll have the investigators look into it.’

Her gaze anxiously searched his. ‘What if I’m wrong? I know you think I’m foolish, but if there’s hope for our relationship I don’t want to ruin it.’

Knowing the emotion he’d let himself entertain, how could he condemn her? ‘You’re not foolish. And I’ll make sure it’s kept discreet.’

Her smile bloomed, lighting up her face. Lighting up inside him. Again something tightened in his chest—harder this time.

The ground shifted beneath his feet.

He wanted to block out her voice by whatever means necessary, to throw caution to the wind, sweep her into his arms and carry her to his bed. His gut tightened as every sense clamoured for just one more taste of her sensual lips. For a chance to cup her breasts, bury his face between them as he surged inside her.

She was casting a spell over him. He knew that. And yet he couldn’t move away.

‘Thank you. Sorry I slapped you,’ she tagged on, but a small smile teased her lips.

‘Why do I get the impression you don’t really mean that?’

Her smile grew. ‘Because you’ve got a very suspicious mind?’

‘Maybe, but my instincts still warn me that you’re dangerous to me, Ana Duval.’ The words spilled out before he could stop them.

Her eyes widened. She gave a shocked laugh. ‘I’m not dangerous.’

With a twist of his body he reversed their places, backed her against the door. ‘Then why do I feel as if I have to have you or lose my mind?’

Heat blossomed in her cheeks. ‘You—you do?’

‘I want... I need to make love with you. You’re like a fever in my blood. Last I heard a fever not broken can kill. Which makes you a serious threat to my life.’

* * *

Ana couldn’t tear her gaze from Bastien’s face. His words wove a dangerous spell over her. A spell she wanted to throw herself into wholeheartedly.

Her mind spun, unable to keep a firm hold on reality.

‘You don’t mean that.’ Her words emerged from a throat thick with desire.

He pressed his body against hers. ‘I do. You’re in my head, in my blood...’

She couldn’t deny the powerful message from his body. He wanted her. And, as much as she wanted to deny it, she wanted him too. Badly.

And that was insanity itself...

His head descended again.

One kiss. Just one kiss and then you’ll stop, a tiny voice whispered.