If she’d thought his gaze back in her hotel room could freeze water, his expression now sent a jagged bolt of apprehension through her. He lunged for her, strong hands hauling her up until only her toes touched the floor of the lift.

‘A word of advice, cherie. Learn to pick your battles wisely.’

Afterwards Ana reckoned she must have gone slightly insane. Just for a few seconds. Because even she couldn’t understand her compulsive need to goad him further.

‘Or what, Bastien? You’ll punish me for getting under your skin again?’ The words slipped out before she could stop them.

With lightning speed he had her caged against the back wall of the lift. His mouth crushed hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth before she could draw half a breath. Molten heat scalded her from head to toe, sending a rush of sensation so heady she groaned with the sheer pleasure of it.

The sound seemed to galvanise Bastien. His hands bracketed her, his powerful body imprisoning her. From chest to knee, every muscle of his hard, streamlined physique was imprinted against hers as he devoured her lips.

When his tongue slid boldly against hers liquid fire shot through her bloodstream to pool low in her pelvis. The sensation was alien, but so exquisitely delightful that Ana whimpered. Again, the sound triggered something in Bastien.

He surged closer, rolled his hips until the unmistakable force of his arousal lay hot and heavy against her belly. A wave of longing stole over her, sparking a yearning to reach for him, to touch him in a way that would appease the stark hunger.

His strong jaw abraded her palm. Glorying in the new and exciting textures, she traced her fingers to his nape, slid her fingers through his hair once more. She didn’t know she’d applied pressure until the kiss deepened, their tongues tangling in a frenzied dance that culminated in desperate gasps for air.

Bastien stared down at her, shock darkening his eyes. ‘Mon Dieu, how the hell do you do this to me?’ he demanded thickly under his breath.

The guttural sound of his voice shivered along her nerves, tightening the pressure in her womb and turning her nipples into hard, painful buds of need. Need that demanded satisfaction. Now.

This time she rose to her toes of her own accord, her need to experience the power of his kiss paramount. Bastien reached for her—

‘Excusez moi, monsieur?’

The voice was cheeky, almost amused.

Bastien’s harsh exhalation fanned her heated cheek. He stepped back, but didn’t release her. Over one broad shoulder Ana saw a statuesque redhead in the open doorway of the lift, peering at them over boxy designer glasses.

‘Tatiana, give me a minute,’ he rasped.

‘Mais oui, Bastien. But I suggest that you don’t keep the board waiting any longer.’

Her heavily accented response held even more amusement. With a twirl that wouldn’t have been misplaced on a catwalk, she disappeared down the hall, leaving behind a cloud of expensive perfume.

He dropped his hands. The loss of his touch sent a cold shiver through Ana, but not quite enough to restore clarity. Mind fuzzy, she remained where she was, shaky, eternally grateful for the support of the wall.

And totally convinced she’d lost her mind.

How could she have kissed him like that? Have lost herself so spectacularly? And so publicly! Shame drenched her, finally erasing the last dregs of her rioting emotions.

But a niggling voice remained.

What if they hadn’t been interrupted? Would she have lifted her leg and curved it over his hip the way he’d urged her to do on his boat? Would she have encouraged him to cup her aching breasts because Bastien touching them ranked among the most beautiful feelings in the whole world?

Dear God, no!

‘You promised me this would never happen again.’ Her voice held all the husky undercurrents of the emotions shimmering beneath her skin and none of the accusation she’d intended to heap on his head.

His eyes mocked her. ‘No, I never made such a promise. And you decided not to wait for that gold-embossed invitation after all. You issued one of your own. I merely accepted,’ he rasped.

‘I did no such thing. You’re truly despic—’

‘Much as I’d like to stand here trading insults with you all day, I have a meeting to attend.’ Grasping her elbow, he stepped out of the lift, took a short hallway until they reached a set of double doors. ‘Through there is my office. Tatiana will make you comfortable and let you know if you’re needed.’

Without a backward glance, he walked away.

Ana didn’t know whether to be relieved or angry. Taking a deep breath, she opted for relief. Anger led to a loss of control. Loss of control led to hot, torrid exchanges of intense kisses that left her weak and needy.