Unbidden, a lump rose to her throat. ‘Thank you.’

‘De nada. Go—explore to your heart’s content.’

With legs that felt shaky, and a heart that hammered far too hard to be healthy, Sasha paused to wipe her feet, then entered the temple.

Like every single place Marco had taken her to since he’d summoned his car after breakfast, the temple was breathtakingly exquisite. The shoji scrolls lining the walls looked paper-thin and fragile, causing her to hold her breath in case she damaged the place in any way. Examining one, she wished she had a translator to explain the three lines of symbols to her.

‘“Peace through wisdom. Wisdom through perspicacity,’” Marco murmured from behind her. ‘This temple was originally Japanese. It changed owners a few times before the Shaolin monks took over in the fourth century.’

‘It puts everything into perspective, doesn’t it?’

‘Does it?’

‘You said nothing lasts for ever. This temple proves some things do.’

For a long moment he didn’t answer. His hooded gaze held hers, but in the gathering dusk she couldn’t read the expression in his eyes.

‘Come, it is time to leave. Romano will think you’ve kidnapped me.’

‘What? Little ol’ me?’

He laughed—a sound she was finding she liked very much. ‘Romano knows you have a black belt in Jujitsu.’

‘I’d still think twice before I tried to drop-kick a man of his size. So you’re safe with me.’

‘Gracias.’ He threaded his fingers through hers, then signalled to Romano to bring the car round.

She waited until they were in the car before leaning over to press her lips to his. ‘Thank you for showing me Seoul.’

His hand tightened around her waist and pulled her closer. ‘The tour isn’t over yet. I have one last treat for you.’

Pleasure unfurled through her. ‘Really?’

‘The night is just beginning. I know a little place where, if you’re really nice to the staff, they’ll name a dish after you. Will you allow me to show it to you?’ He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it.

Watching the dark head bent over her hand, Sasha experienced that irrational fear again. Only this time it was ten times worse. Her heart hammered and her pulse raced through her veins as the reason for her feelings whispered softly through her mind.

No. She wasn’t falling for Marco de Cervantes. Because that would be stupid.

And reckless.

Marco didn’t do relationships. And she’d barely survived being burned once.

His lips caressed the sensitive skin of her wrist.

At her helpless sigh, he smiled. ‘On second thoughts, a Michelin-star-chef-prepared meal on the beach sounds very appealing.’

Resisting temptation was nearly impossible. But Sasha forced herself to speak. ‘It’s not fair to dangle the opportunity to have a dish named after me and then withdraw it. Now it’s on my lust-have list.’

He reached out and cupped her breast. ‘I have only one thing on my lust-have list.’

‘You’re insatiable,’ she breathed, unable to stop her moan when his thumb passed over her nipple.

Bending his head, he brought his lips close to hers. ‘Only for you do I have this need,’ he muttered thickly. ‘And, por favor, I won’t have it denied.’ He drew closer until their breaths mingled.

‘What about dinner … the dish …?’ she whispered.

‘You’ll have it,’ he vowed. ‘Just … later.’