‘I’ve never permitted anyone to explore me this way,’ he added.

‘Really?’ Why did that please me so much?

‘Ne. Continue. Please,’ he urged.

Encouraged, I trailed my fingers over the raised skin, tracing the map of his trauma, a little in awe that he’d survived what had to have been a horrific experience.

When I neared his groin the sculpted muscles in his abs tensed, but he didn’t stop me. Growing bolder, I stepped into his force field, felt the searing heat of his skin blanket me.

‘Will you tell me what happened?’ I asked.

He regarded me for several heartbeats, then nodded. ‘Later. Much later.’ Then, grasping my hand, he growled, ‘Don’t stop.’

The invitation was too heady to resist.

I explored him from chest to thigh, but avoided the powerful thrust of his erection until, with a growl, he swung me into his arms and strode for the bed.

Laying me down, he divested me of the slip and panties but left the necklace on. Then he stayed by the side of the bed, staring down at me with blazing eyes.

‘Our first time was rushed. Understandably chaotic. This time I intend to take my time, learn everything you like. Show you what I desire. Are you willing, pethi mou?’

I nodded jerkily, aware that my pulse was racing at my throat.


Boldly, he reached forward and cupped one breast, while the other hand covered the damp heat gathering between my legs. His eyes devoured my every expression as I arched into his touch.

‘I want to watch you drown in pleasure. I want to see your beautiful green eyes when you come for me.’

He toyed with one peaked nipple, drawing from me a breathless gasp, then swooped down, twirled his tongue around the tight nub, drew it into his mouth for several hot seconds before he raised his head.

‘I want to hear your breath hitch like that when you lose your mind for me.’

His thumb found the needy pearl of my core and rubbed with an expertise that arched my back, made desperate moans erupt from my throat.

‘Ah, just like that, moro mou.’

‘Neo, you’re making me... I’m...’

‘Give yourself over to me, Sadie,’ he grated thickly, urgently. ‘Give me what I want and I’ll reward you.’

‘With...what?’ I gasped.

An arrogant smile curved his sensual lips. ‘With as much of me as you can take. Would you like that?’


‘Then come for me. Now, Sadie,’ he demanded throatily, his clever fingers demanding that ultimate response as his due.

With mindless abandon I handed it over, sensation piling high as he flipped the switch that triggered my release. My screams scraped my throat raw, my body twisting in a frenzied bliss I never wanted to end.

All the while Neo rained kisses and praise on my body, his lips and hands prolonging my pleasure until I was spent. Until all I could do was try to catch my breath as he finally climbed onto the bed, parted my thighs and situated himself above me, arms planted on either side of my shoulders.

Even as my heart raced from one climax, need bui

lt again, and the sight of Neo, this powerful mountain of a man whose scars only served to make him even more unique, more potent and desirable, and yet so dangerous to my emotional well-being, rendered me speechless.

Eyes frenzied with need scoured me from head to toe. ‘Touch me, Sadie,’ he rasped.