Expecting an arrogant comeback, I was surprised when his jaw clenched and his fingers bunched on the sheets. For an age, he contemplated me, his gaze weighing mine.

If I hadn’t known better I’d have imagined Neo was...nervous.

Before the thought could deepen, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose.

And for the first time I saw Neo naked. Saw him in his full magnificent glory.

Saw the deep, stomach-hollowing scars that dissected his left hip, then zigzagged their way over his pelvis to end dangerously close to his manhood.

My hand shot up to my mouth, a horrid little gasp escaping me before I could stop it.

Dear God, so that was why he believed he couldn’t have children?

Neo’s head jerked back, his eyes darkening at my reaction. Yet he didn’t flinch or cower. Hell, he seemed resolute, even a little proud to show off his scars. He prowled forward, naked and unashamed, his impressive manhood at full mast.

‘What’s the matter, Sadie?’ he rasped when he was a handful of feet away. ‘Is this too much for you? Are you going to run from me? Again?’

My gaze flew to his. ‘No! What would make you think that?’

His eyes shadowed and he paused for several beats. ‘The sight of me doesn’t horrify you?’ he asked, a peculiar note in his voice.

‘Of course I’m not horrified. I’m heartsick that you had to endure that. Who wouldn’t be?’

His lips twisted bitterly. ‘I’ve discovered from past...encounters...that there are three reactions to my scars. Horror, pity or stoicism.’

‘Well, I don’t belong in any of those groups, thank you very much.’

Again his gaze probed mine. ‘Do you not?’

‘No. And if you keep looking at me like that I’ll leave right now.’

‘Your words salve me a little...but perhaps I require more? A demonstration of why you’re in this room in the first place?’ he said huskily. ‘If you’re not here to torture me, pethi mou, then why are you here?’

His voice grew more ragged, his chest rising and falling along with the impressive arousal that was somehow growing even prouder by the second.

I dragged my gaze from his intoxicating body. ‘I came to tell you that I’ve changed my mind. That I... I want...’

God, what a time to be struck senseless. But, really, who could blame me? When he looked this magnificent? When it seemed—powerfully and thrillingly—that I had this effect on him?

‘I want the fantasy,’ I whispered.

‘What fantasy? Tell me what you want, Sadie. Explicitly.’

Nerves ate harder, knotting my tongue.

‘Perhaps it would be better to show me, hmm?’ he encouraged, his voice a barely audible rasp.

Had he said this with even a stitch of clothing on I would have balked. But with the miles of gleaming olive skin on show, his virility just begging to be explored and every atom in my body screaming for contact, the urge was impossible to deny.

My twitching hands flexed, rose. Brushed over one long, thin, jagged scar.

A sharp breath hissed out.

I snatched my hand away. ‘I’m s-sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’

He gave a sharp shake of his head. ‘It doesn’t pain me, Sadie. Quite the opposite,’ he grated.

My gaze darted to his face. While his expression was tight with barely leashed control, his eyes blazed with an emotion I couldn’t quite name.