Mr Donnelly had known I wouldn’t be let off scot-free, which was why he’d insisted I be the first in the line of fire in admitting culpability. The hurried internet search I’d done on the bus ride into the city had left me reeling at the enormity of the adversary I’d unwittingly created with one fatalistic click of the mouse.

Neo Xenakis regarded me with the flat coldness of a cobra about to strike. ‘You didn’t mean to? That applies when you tread on someone’s foot. Or accidentally spill your coffee at an inopportune moment. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Phoenix Clinic has a stringent set of checks in place, does it not?’

I opened my mouth to answer, but he was shaking his head, already rejecting my confirmation.

‘Whatever you thought was going to happen with your coming here, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy, Miss Preston.’

‘What do you mean?’

God, did he want me to beg? Fall on my face and prostrate myself before him?

The weirdest thought entered my head. That however he intended me to pay, it would be welcome. Perhaps even a

When his gaze dropped to my parted lips I entertained the notion, while staring at his mouth, that whatever those reparations were they would be carnal in nature. That I would perhaps even...enjoy it.

Sweet heaven, Sadie. What’s wrong with you?

Dragging my focus from the lush curve of his lips, I met his gaze—only to find the grey depths alight with the same blaze that singed my blood.

Abruptly he turned away, returned to his desk and picked up a sleek-looking tablet. ‘Willa, please come in.’

Confusion mingled with those peculiar feelings rioted through me, rendering me speechless as the door opened and a stylishly dressed blonde entered. The woman was more suited to traipse down a runway than give executive assistance. The dismissive glance she threw me before sashaying her way to her boss’s desk said she was well aware of her assets.

‘Yes, Mr Xenakis.’ Unsurprisingly, her voice dripped with sensual interest as she smiled at him.

Curbing my instant dislike for Willa, I listened to them exchange a low-voiced conversation about his upcoming meeting before he rounded his desk.

‘Escort Miss Preston to my penthouse. She’s to stay there until I’m done with my meeting. If she attempts to leave, inform Wendell.’

My irritation at being discussed as if I wasn’t there doubled at the edict he’d just delivered. ‘What? You can’t... I won’t just stay here at your whim!’

The fury he’d kept at bay finally flared into singeing life. ‘You’ve destroyed my property, Miss Preston, making your actions a crime. Attempt to leave and I’ll be forced to let the authorities handle it. You have two options. Stay and discuss this further, after my meeting. Or leave and face the consequences.’ He strode towards the door, throwing over his shoulder, ‘I’ll let you inform Willa of your decision.’

Then he was gone.

I veered towards the windows, hoping for a ray of enlightenment. But the typical English weather had greyed in complete alignment with my circumstances.

I couldn’t leave. Not unless I wanted to risk worsening my situation.

Neo Xenakis was in shock, still grappling with the news. Would he show mercy when he’d calmed down? Was I better off handing myself over to the authorities and pleading my case with a lawyer through the courts?

With what funds? Even before I lost my job we were barely scraping by. I didn’t have the resources to pay a lawyer for even ten minutes of his time!

I was better off waiting. Perhaps talking him round to getting him to return to the clinic to deposit another sample...

Willa’s pointed throat-clearing triggered a wince. Turning, I lifted my chin and met her contemptuous stare.

‘I’ll stay,’ I announced, with as much firmness as I could manage, considering my stomach had gone into a thousand-foot free fall.



For the dozenth time in what felt like the longest afternoon of my life, I shook my head.

‘You don’t agree, Mr Xenakis?’

I refocused on the leader of the Brazilian marketing team gathered around the conference table and wondered what I’d missed while my brain was stuck in that endless cycle of life-altering words uttered by the most captivating creature I’d ever seen.