The reprieve didn’t last, and the tingling along my nape alerted me that Neo had entered the room a second before my eyes were compelled to meet his. His incisive gaze raked my face as he stalked towards me, his brother a few steps behind him.

Axios made a beeline for his wife and son, catching up a giggling Andreos and tucking him against his side before he wrapped a possessive arm around his wife’s shoulders.

Sliding her arm around her husband’s waist, Callie said smilingly over her shoulder, ‘Welcome to the family, Sadie. I have a feeling you’ll find things interesting.’

Before I could ask what she meant by that, Neo closed the gap between us, one strong, lean hand held out. ‘My parents are leaving. Perhaps you’d be so kind as to join me to see them off?’ he enquired silkily.

That look before, as he stood next to his brother...

The terse, revealing little conversation before that...

The thought of taking his hand now...

My instincts shrieked at me to beware. And yet every argument as to why I shouldn’t burned to ashes when his hand crept up another imperious notch.

I raised my hand.

He took it, his fingers meshing with mine in a palm sliding that jolted electricity through my midriff before spreading out in gleeful abandon over my body, hardening my nipples, speeding my heartbeat and delivering a mocking weakness to my knees.

I was fighting—and losing—the battle for my equilibrium when we stepped outside and approached Electra and Theodolus Xenakis.

Neo had inherited Theo’s height and Electra’s piercing eyes. Together they were a striking couple, who regarded me with shrewd speculation.

‘Perhaps you and Neo would join us for dinner after you return from your honeymoon? I’d like to get to know my new daughter-in-law better,’ Electra said, the barest hint of a smile diluting the near command to a request.

About to reply that there was no honeymoon, I paused when Neo answered smoothly, ‘Thank you, Mama. We’ll let you know when we’re free.’

The tenor of his voice put paid to any more conversation. Within minutes they’d departed, followed closely by Axios and Callie.

My mother, the last one remaining, hurried to me, her face creased in smiles. ‘It’s been a wonderful day,’ she said, and sighed. Then her smile turned teary. ‘I can’t believe my little girl is married,’ she mused. ‘If only your—’

‘The helicopter’s waiting, Mum,’ I said hurriedly, before she could drop my father into the conversation. She’d agreed to enter rehab to deal with her gambling and the after-effects of my father’s desertion. ‘I’ll see you when I get back to Athens.’

As for my father—I’d tried to block him out, the part of me that blamed him for contributing to my dire straits giving way to the bone-deep hurt caused by his abandonment and never healing. Even the mere thought of walking away from my baby filled me with horror. That he’d done so without a backward glance...

Aware of Neo’s narrowed gaze on my face, I dredged up a wider smile, hugged my mother and watched her board the helicopter a minute later.

Then, in the dying rays of the sun, bar the dozen or so staff efficiently cleaning up, I was alone on a Greek island with the man I’d married.

The profundity of it hit me square in the chest. A quick glance showed he was still watching me. Still assessing me with those all-seeing eyes.

‘The helicopter is coming back for us, right?’

His gaze grew hooded, his eyes flicking towards the aircraft that was now a speck on the horizon. ‘Yes. But not till tomorrow evening.’

My heart stuttered and flipped. ‘What? Why?’

‘Because, as much as we both know why this event happened, I’d rather not fuel further speculation by spending what’s left of my wedding day behind my desk in Athens with my new wife in tow.’

‘I thought you didn’t care what anyone thought?’

He turned, his hand returning to my waist as he led me back inside the sprawling villa. ‘Everyone here today values discretion. Beyond the boundaries of that circle is another matter. You’ll learn the difference in time,’ he stated.

The quiet force behind his words seeped into me, drawing a shiver.

‘You could’ve told me this before trapping me here,’ I said, trying to summon irritation but only finding a bubble of hot excitement that swelled with each step I took inside the vast living room with Neo by my side. The potent whiff of his aftershave triggered a hunger deep inside.

‘I thought you’d appreciate the peace and quiet.’