Ax said something to Neo, his expression amused. Neo responded sharply, his mouth flattening into a displeased line which only seemed to further amuse his brother.

‘Do me a favour and leave those two alone for now? Ax’s been wanting payback for a while,’ Callie said with a grin.

‘Payback for what?’

Her stare was wickedly teasing but also contemplative, as if she was wondering whether she could trust me.

After a couple of seconds, she shrugged. ‘I’m sure you’ve seen the papers. Let’s just say my marriage didn’t get off to a rosy start. And Neo... Well, he enjoyed a few jokes at his brother’s expense. And those two are nothing if not competitive.’

I frowned. ‘So your husband’s ribbing my... Neo about me?’ Somehow I couldn’t bring myself to call him my husband.

Callie laughed. ‘Ax thought he’d have to wait years to get back at his little brother. If ever.’

‘I’m not sure there’s much humour in any of this.’

Her eyes grew even more speculative, and there was an intelligence

shining in the blue depths that made me wish for different circumstance for our meeting. I would have liked to be friends with Callie Xenakis.

‘I don’t think you need telling that everyone’s wondering about you. This wedding came out of the blue.’

I firmed my lips, reminded of Neo’s claim that our marriage was nobody’s business.

As if she’d read my thoughts, Callie waved an airy hand. ‘It’s no one’s business but yours, of course, but... Well, no one expected this from Neo. Not so fast, anyway,’ she murmured, then grimaced, her gaze searching mine before she returned her attention to her son.

Sensing that she’d said more than she’d intended to, I let the subject go, unaware that my gaze had strayed to Neo until he turned his head sharply, lanced me with those piercing eyes that threw fresh sparks of awareness over my skin. Even when his brother spoke again, Neo kept his gaze on me, the ice receding to leave a steady blaze that set off fresh fireworks.

It took monumental effort to pull my gaze free, to suck air into my lungs and turn back to Callie, who was laying her son on the wide seat, keeping one hand on his plump little belly to stop him wriggling off as she picked up a futuristic-looking remote and pressed a button.

Immediately a section of the ceiling went opaque, granting a little reprieve from the sun’s rays.

As I moved towards her, her gaze flickered over my dress. ‘That’s a stunning dress,’ she said, a wistful tone in her voice.

I stared down at my wedding gown. The style was simple, the bodice had a wide neck and capped sleeves that gave glimpses of my skin beneath the lace, and the soft layered skirt parted discreetly at intervals to show my legs when I moved. The whole ensemble felt like the softest, most seductive whisper against my skin.

‘I... Thank you.’

She smiled, but a hint of sadness crossed her face before evaporating a moment later.

‘Can I ask you a question?’ I ventured.

‘Of course,’ she invited.

‘What does dikos mou mean?’

Her eyes widened, and when she blushed I cringed inside, wondering if I’d committed a faux pas. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was anything rude—’

‘Oh, no, it’s not. It’s just that Ax says it a lot. Where did you hear it?’

I bit my lip, still not certain I wanted to divulge it. ‘Neo said it after...after we exchanged rings.’

A mysterious little smile played on her lips. ‘It means mine,’ she said.

‘Oh...’ My heart lurched in a foolish, dizzy somersault before I could remind myself that Neo’s hand had been splayed over my belly when he’d said the words. That he had simply been revelling in his possession.

Nothing else.

Catching Callie’s speculative glance, I hurriedly changed the subject to one I hoped would distract her: her baby. It worked like a charm—the gorgeous Andreos was almost too cute in his little shorts, shirt and waistcoat combo.