I laughed then, because all this insanity needed an outlet. Before I spontaneously combusted. When his eyes narrowed ominously, I laughed harder.

‘Is this just a trait of all insanely wealthy men, or are you cursed with the notion that you can throw your weight around like this and get what you want?’

He didn’t answer immediately. Instead he sauntered towards me, his gaze locked on my face as he approached.

‘You feel the need to resist and rail at what you see as my overbearing move when this is merely accelerating a necessary and efficient process.’

Laughter dried up in my throat. ‘But why marriage?’

‘No Xenakis child has been born out of wedlock. I don’t intend for my child to be the first.’

‘Here’s an idea. Buck the trend. This is the twenty-first century. Set your own path.’

‘No. I will not. Label me a traditionalist if you will, but in this I will not be swayed,’ he replied with deep gravity.

‘You forget that for you to achieve that you’ll need my agreement.’

‘And you will give it. I’m sure of it.’

‘Are you? How? Let me guess—this is where you threaten me with criminal charges again unless I bend to your will?’

For the longest moment he remained silent, considering it. Then, astonishingly, he shook his head. ‘That incident is in the past. It’s time to turn the page. That transgression will no longer be held against you. Regardless of where we go from here, we will not speak of it again.’

Shocked relief burst through me. I searched his face for signs that he meant it and saw nothing but solid honesty.

Where we go from here...

Ominous words that rattled me as he stared at me. As with every second, the urge to consider his offer gathered strength.

To buy myself time, I countered, ‘If you’re standing there waiting for me to give you an answer, you’re going to be disappointed.’

Something crossed his face that looked a little like alarm, but it was gone much too soon for me to decipher it.

‘While you wrestle with that yes you’re too stubborn to say, let’s discuss other issues. I believe one has already been tackled?’

The head-spinning encroached. Again, removing myself from his immediate orbit, from the intoxicating scent of aftershave and warm skin that made me want to wrap my arms around his trim waist and bury my face in his neck, I crossed to the small pink-striped sofa we’d managed to rescue from the bailiff’s clutches and sank into it.

‘I wouldn’t hold your breath,’ I countered.

An arrogant smile twisted his lips. ‘I’d like you to put the marketing plan you outlined into a report for me.’

Excitement of a different kind joined the chaos surging through me. ‘Why?’ I asked, forcing myself not to think of our conversation in the car on the way to the airport. Of my thri

ll when I solved his marketing problem. The grudging respect in his eyes as he sounded out my solutions. If he wanted a report, did that mean...?

‘Because that will form the basis of your employment with Xenakis Aeronautics,’ he said.

I was glad I was sitting down, because I was sure the shock would’ve floored me otherwise. ‘What?’

‘Your new role. As my intern starting as soon as we have an agreement.’

More puzzle pieces fell into place. ‘All those questions in the car on the way to the airport...you were interviewing me?’

He nodded.


‘And you presented a sound strategy—one worth consideration. The second you sign an employment contract I’ll pass it on to my marketing team—of which you’ll be a part. If you wish.’