‘Some uncertainties you have to live with.’

‘Would the great Maceo Fiorenti accept something like this and just live with it?’ she asked.

The weight of his guilt pressed down hard. He’d pushed, created discord, and then lost those dear to him before he’d had the chance to make amends. ‘No, he would not.’

That sat between them for a minute. And Maceo didn’t exactly detest the sense of kinship that flowed between them.

‘How did he die? The newspapers mentioned a car accident...’

He forced a nod, memories crashing in despite his efforts to hold them at bay. ‘It happened in Milan. They’d just landed the biggest deal for the company yet. They threw a party to celebrate.’


A muscle ticked in his temple and his blood felt icy cold. ‘My parents were in the same car as Luigi and Carlotta. Luigi and my parents died instantly.’

She gasped. ‘And Carlotta? Was she badly hurt?’

‘She was thrown from the car before impact and hospitalised briefly, but as you know she made a full recovery.’

‘At the drinks tonight, someone mentioned you’d once been in an accident too,’ Faye said.

Maceo refocused to find her frowning at him.

He tensed. ‘I’ll give you a free guess as to how I feel about office gossip.’

She shook her head. ‘It wasn’t gossip. They assumed I knew.’

He straightened from where he’d been lounging against the fireplace. ‘Have you had your fill of information about Luigi already? You must have if you’re inclined to indulge yourself in asking about me.’ He used the silky tone Carlotta had fondly referred to as his ‘il inferno’ voice as he sauntered towards Faye, not bothering to hide his displeasure about this new subject.

She’d clearly read his expression accurately, and he watched as a shiver coursed through her. He lifted his glass to his lips to hide his dark satisfaction at her reaction. Of course that all went away when she licked her bottom lip, leaving a wet trail that thickened his blood, left him with an instant raw need to be the one licking that plump flesh. Sucking it into his mouth. Tasting the hell out of it...

‘I thought we were just making conversation,’ she said.

‘No, cara,’ he drawled. ‘But if you want something else to occupy you, I can think of much better things than to discuss me,’ he offered.

She jumped up, and mineral water spilt over her fingers. Maceo took the glass and set it down. When he faced her again, she took a step back.

‘What...what do you think you’re doing?’

Si, Maceo. What are you doing?

He wasn’t breaking his vow. He was simply...

‘Satisfying your curiosity,’ he said. He lifted a hand and trailed his fingers over her smooth jawline.

Again she shivered. ‘No, you’re not. You’re...annoyed. And you’re using this...whatever this is...to hide it. Why?’

He shrugged. ‘You have an overactive imagination, Faye. I’m doing nothing except paying you back for indulging yourself with me this morning.’

She snatched in a breath. ‘I thought you said it must never happen again?’

‘No need to panic, cara. Nothing has happened yet.’

‘And nothing will,’ she blurted.

No, it wouldn’t. Because his path was set. No pleasure. No liaisons. No famiglia.

But nothing said he couldn’t teach this creature a lesson for toying with him. For making him...want.