Eyes wide, she lifted her chin in further challenge. ‘How do I know that’s true?’

Frustration threatened to erupt. I tamped it down. ‘I don’t make a habit of lying, yineka mou. Regardless of how we came together, I took a vow I intend to honour until I’m no longer bound by it. But if you don’t believe me I can give you the number of a top investigator and you can discover the truth for yourself.’

‘Even if I believe you, maybe you didn’t seek another woman’s bed because you didn’t want to jeopardise your precious deal.’

She was really good at pushing my buttons. And the curious thing was that I preferred this version of Calypso to the one who’d glided down the aisle a little over a year ago.

I shrugged off my tuxedo, watched her gaze cling to my torso before another blush pinkened her smooth skin. ‘Whatever my reason for staying celibate, I wish it to end now.’

‘Because you decree it?’

‘Because you’re woman enough to admit you want me too. Because when you come to my bed it’ll be because your needs are as strong as mine and you’re not ashamed to give in to them.’

Tossing the jacket aside, I gave in to the urge and returned to her, my senses jumping at the promise of decadent friction when she swallowed but stayed her ground. And then, because I wasn’t above playing dirty to get my way, I unbuttoned one shirt stud. Then another.

Brazenly, I revelled in the tremor that went through her lush frame as her eyes followed my undressing with abashed appreciation. A layer of femininity which might have been there all along or I might have missed called to the beast in me.

‘I want to lay you on my bed...make you cry out my name in climax.’

Her eyelashes fluttered before sweeping down. That tell-tale sign that she was hiding something nearly derailed me. It certainly froze me in place, congealing my insides with the knowledge that, far from being a forward-thinking man, some things were sacred to me.

‘Tell me what you’re thinking.’

She remained silent for far too long. In real time it was probably a handful of seconds. But it was enough to unnerve me. Enough that when she deigned to lift those hypnotising eyes to mine all that remained in me was a frenzied roar.

I watched her lips move but didn’t hear the words she uttered. Her eyes grew wider, possibly at my expression. She started to step back.

I closed the gap between us and tugged her to me. With her heavy magnificent breasts pressed against my chest all I wanted was to lose myself in her. To slay this terrible need.

Her nostrils quivered as she inhaled rapidly. Against my chest her hands fluttered, and a trembling I wanted to believe had nothing to do with sex seized her.


‘I said I want to be different, Calypso. Take this leap with me?’

But even as her eyes widened at my words she hesitated, her lower lip caught between her teeth, taunting me with the prospect of unaccustomed denial.

And all the while my insides churned with emotions I didn’t want to examine.

All the while delicate tremors filtered through her body and her breathing grew more erratic with her undeniable arousal.

I was on the very edge of my sanity when Calypso’s fingers whispered over the button above my navel, toyed with the stud for a second before fluttering away again. Eyes that refused to meet mine remained fixed on my chest.

She released her lip and I fought the urge to lean down and bite the plump, wet curve.

Before her wicked hands could further wreck me, I caught them in one hand. ‘Calypso, look at me.’

After an eternity her lashes lifted. Dark blue hypnotic pools pulled me in, threatening to drown me.

‘Say the words. I want to hear them,’ I pressed, aware that my voice was a gravel-rough mess.

She inhaled. ‘I’ll take the leap with you. For now.’

I had to hand it to her—she knew how to time her negotiations to maximum effect. But I’d given my word and I wouldn’t go back on it. Besides, the earlier we excised this fever from our systems the earlier we could start the extrication process.

The earlier I could return to my life as I knew and preferred it.

The punch of satisfaction I expected never arrived.