Through all of this I’d held on to the secret fear that Andreos might suffer. Over the past year I’d meticulously researched the Xenakis dynasty, with Andreos’s needs at the forefront of my mind.

Outwardly, they appeared a close unit—but, as with most super-wealthy and influential families, rumours of acrimony abounded. Once or twice it had been rumoured that Axios’s status as CEO had been challenged by a daring cousin or uncle. None had succeeded, of course.

‘You give me your word that you’ll protect Andreos, no matter what?’

‘Of course. I vow it.’ His voice was deep and solemn and immediate.

Relief weakened my knees, and for some absurd reason I wanted to throw my arms around him. ‘Thank you.’

His frown deepened, speculation narrowing his eyes. I turned away before he could read my anxiety. Now wasn’t the time to think about my precarious health...about the tough road ahead. About the battle my grandmother had fought against cervical cancer and eventually lost.

And it certainly wasn’t the time to dwell on the fact that the pain in my abdomen remained, its presence edging into my consciousness with each passing day.

‘Possible cancer... Prognosis uncertain if you choose to keep your baby...’

Dr Trudeau’s words broke free from the vault I’d kept them in. Along with the frighteningly easy decision I’d made to keep my baby for as long as I could instead of chasing risky surgery. The tearful gratitude for every day Andreos had nestled in my womb, growing despite the unknown threat to his life and mine.

And his sweet cry the moment he was born.

I’d learned quickly that for my son’s sake I needed to compartmentalise. His keen intelligence and sensitivity, even at such a tender age, had focused me on giving him my very best—always. But giving him my best included fighting to remain in his life. Even if I had to temporarily entrust him to Axios in order to do so.

‘Do you agree?’ Axios pressed, his gaze probing mercilessly.

‘I’ll give you what you want on one condition. Take it or leave it.’

After a moment he jerked his head in command for me to continue.

‘I’ll stay until your precious deal is done. On condition that you don’t attempt to interfere in my relationship with my son.’

‘What gives you the impression that I’d wish to do anything of the sort?’

My shrug fell short of full efficiency under his heavy frown. ‘It’s been known to happen.’

‘Who? Your father?’

I could have denied it, kept up the years-long pretence. But time was too precious to waste on falsehoods. So I nodded. ‘Yes.’

Axios moved towards me, his frown a dark cloud. ‘What did he do to you?’

I hesitated now, because on the flipside I didn’t want to bare my all to him. The desire to continue living on my own terms hadn’t diminished an iota since my return to Greece. And even if I intended to agree to Axios’s demands I would always keep one small corner of my life free from his interference.

‘He manipulated every relationship I ever had in some way. I don’t want that to happen with Andreos.’

The grey gaze boring into mine stated blatantly that he wanted more. Mine declared I’d given him all I intended to.

‘I’ve seen you with Andreos. He thrives under your care. I’d be a fool to jeopardise that.’

Before I could breathe my relief he stepped closer, bringing that bristling magnificence into touching distance. I balled fingers that tingled with the need to feel his vibrant skin under my touch again.

‘You have my word I will not interfere. Will you give me yours?’

Again I was mildly stunned that it was a question rather than a declaration. But the searing reminder that giving in to one emotion around Axios was simply the gateway to a flood of other sensations I needed to keep a tight leash on, had me swallowing the desire.

‘I will stay for as long as it takes to give you what you need,’ I offered.

He accepted it with a simple nod, as if it was nothing to celebrate. And perhaps in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t. We were picking up where we’d left off with the added inconvenience of needing to put out more fires than he’d initially anticipated.

After several skin-tingling moments during which he simply stared at me, as if probing beneath my defences to read my secrets, I twisted away, eager to escape those all-seeing eyes.