He stopped abruptly, caught my face between his hands and blazed me a look so intense my insides melted.

‘I love you, Calypso. I fell in love with your defiance in Bora Bora. Fell in love with you when I saw your love for our son. I adored your strength when I watched that video. Watching you paint, seeing your talent...awed me. Despite the odds, you have fought and continue to fight for what you want. One day our son will grow up to learn what an inspiration you are. He’ll watch you and know he has the best mother in the world.’

The tears came free and unchecked. ‘Oh, Ax...’

‘Getting the call that you’d gone the morning after our wedding altered something inside me. I wasn’t ready to admit it, but I knew I’d failed you. That I’d failed myself. Your agreeing to take a leap with me felt like a second chance. And with every breath I vow to make it worth your while.’

‘Was...was this what you were going to tell me in Thailand?’

‘Yes. I knew I was in love with you. I planned on begging you to give our marriage a chance. But—’

‘But I chopped you off at the knees before you could lay out everything my own heart and soul wanted to tell you. That I loved you and would’ve given anything to remain your wife.’

He froze. ‘Say that again, please?’ he begged.

‘I love you, too, Ax. Even before the possibility of Andreos and the possibility of love I was drawn to you. Something inside me made me put you at the top of my bucket list. I was always going to come back, even if only for a short time, because my heart knew I belonged to you. And these last few weeks have felt like a heaven I didn’t want to leave. I may have been devastated when you left me the morning after our wedding, but watching you leave me in Thailand...’

He closed his eyes for a single moment. ‘I knew I was making a mistake even before I got on the helicopter after our wedding night. But when I left this time I knew I was coming straight back. That nothing would stop me. Because you’re my heart, pethi mou. My very soul.’

To cement that vow he slanted his lips over mine, kissed me until we were both breathless.

‘Tell me again,’ I commanded.

His eyes burned with feeling. ‘I love you. With all that I am and everything in between.’

He kissed me again as the plane sped down the runway and soared into the sky.

When I broke away to look out of the window, he gently caught my chin in his hand. ‘What is it?’


A warm smile split Ax’s face. ‘He has Sophia and a dozen other staff curled around his plump little fingers. They will take care of him until we send for him in the morning. He’s our little miracle and we will fight this thing together. All three of us. For now, you will let me take care of you. You will allow me the privilege of helping to make you better. Please, my love?’

I nodded, but still hesitated. ‘What if it’s too late? What if they can’t...?’

He slid his thumb across my lips, silencing my doubts. ‘Whatever happens we face it together. For better or worse, you have me for life. I will never leave your side and I will never fail you again.’

His words unfurled my joy. This time I wasn’t alone. I had my precious baby and the husband of my heart. I intended to fight with everything I had for the chance to ensure my days were blessed with nothing but love, health and happiness.

At cruising altitude, Axios swung me into his arms and strolled to the bed. I curled my arms around his neck and looked into molten eyes blazing with love.

‘I love you, Calypso,’ he said again, as if saying the words filled him with as much happiness as it filled my heart.

‘Se agapo, Axios.


A year later


‘Starting on your payback,’ Axios drawled, striding across the master bedroom in Agistros to lay me down on the king-sized bed before trailing his lips over my shoulder to the sensitive area beneath my earlobe.

‘What?’ I gasped, delightful shivers running through me at the wickedness he evoked.

‘You owe me a full pregnancy experience. I can’t think of a better time to start than now. I want to experience it all—from morning sickness to the moment our baby enters the world.’

I made a face. ‘Morning sickness isn’t very sexy.’