He shook his head. ‘You’ve denied your passion long enough,’ he said. ‘A year longer than necessary because of me,’ he added heavily.

Next he organised special transportation for my mother to visit. Having not seen each other for a year, our reunion was tearful, her joy over her grandson boundless.

Seeing her, reassuring myself that she was all right despite the pain still clouding her eyes, lifted a weight off my shoulders. And that melting sensation returned full force when Axios set out to charm her—a ploy that worked to dissipate the lingering tension between them once and for all.

From my father I heard nothing. And, frankly, it didn’t overly bother me.

After that our lives fell into a pattern.

Weekdays were spent at the villa in Athens, with at least three evenings of the week spent at one social engagement or another, which inevitably made front-page news, while Saturday and Sunday were spent on Agistros.

It was almost idyllic—the only fly in the ointment Dr Trudeau’s increasingly urgent emails and the knowledge that now I was assured of Ax’s complete devotion to our son I had no cause to put my health issues on hold.

It was on one weekend a few weeks later, in the place we’d now designated our picnic spot, when he glanced over at me as he reclined on a shaded lounger with a sleepy Andreos dozing on his bare chest. Father and son were besotted with each other, the growing bond between them a source of untold joy to me.

‘I’m flying to Bangkok on Tuesday for business.’

Since he never discussed his business arrangements with me I met his gaze in surprise, unwilling to expose the sharp sting that had arrived and lodged in my midriff. ‘Okay...’

‘You and Andreos can come with me.’

The swiftness with which the sting eased was dismaying—and a little terrifying. Enough to trigger a waspish response. ‘Is that a question or a command?’

The flash of flint in his eyes stunned me. Hard on its heels came the realisation that I much preferred his blinding smiles. The sexy growls when he was aroused. Even his sometimes mocking tones.

Theos, I’d fallen into a highly dangerous state of lust, complacency, and a host of other things I didn’t want to name. One in particular had been gaining momentum, clamouring for attention I was too afraid to give it. It was there when I woke. It blanketed me before I fell asleep and teased my dreams. It was there now, pulsing beneath my skin as Ax’s gaze locked on mine and another blinding smile made an appearance.

‘It’s whichever you find easiest to comply with.’

For some absurd reason my heart flipped over even as I wondered whether he was asking me along because the thought of being separated from us for any length of time was disagreeable to him or because of appearances.

His expression was mostly unreadable, but there was something there. A touch of apprehension I’d never seen before. And, though it was highly unwise to latch on to it, I found myself leaning towards it, indulging myself in the idea that he cared whether I agreed or not.

‘How long is this trip going to last?’

‘It’s to finalise a new airline deal I’ve been working on for a year. It’s been challenging at times, so I expect both sides will want to celebrate after the deed is done. Prepare to stay for the better part of a week. Did you travel to Thailand on your trip?’ he asked, but his almost flippant query didn’t fool me for one second.

Axios was a master at subtle inquisition. Over the past weeks he’d dropped several questions unexpectedly.

‘No. My coin-flip landed in favour of Indonesia instead of Thailand, so I went to Bali.’

‘Then this will be your chance to explore another country,’ he replied smoothly, despite the trace of tension in the air.

Andreos chose that moment to make his displeasure at the charged atmosphere known. Axios absently soothed a hand down his small back, but his eyes remained fixed on me.

When I reached for him Ax handed him over. Then he stayed sitting, his elbows resting on his knees.

‘Will you come with me?’ he asked, his eyes boring into mine.

And because that undeniable yearning for more wouldn’t stop—because I craved this...togetherness more than I craved my next breath—I answered, ‘Yes.’



The unnerving sensation that time was slipping through my fingers had arrived like a thief in the night and stayed like an unwanted guest, permeating my every interaction with Calypso. I couldn’t put my finger on why and nor did I have a clear-cut solution.

The sensation left me off-kilter and scowling as I climbed the steps into my plane two days later.