We stopped within every circle long enough to project an image of cordiality before moving on. And I regurgitated the practised story of my absence until I feared I was blue in the face. Until I was ready to scream the truth to the whole world.

Perhaps his shark-like instincts sensed my frazzling composure. Because Ax turned to me as I impatiently waved away another offer of champagne and started to open my clutch.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

Remembering he had possession of my phone, I looked at him. ‘Can I have my phone back? I want to check on Andreos.’

His gaze rested on my face for several beats. Thinking he wasn’t going to answer, I was surprised when he turned to the business acquaintances he’d been talking to.

‘It’s time for us to take our leave. My beloved cannot bear to be away from our son for long, and I find that I’m not far behind her in that sentiment.’

Indulgent laughter followed, quick goodbyes were said, and before I knew it we were heading out to the waiting limo.

Settled into the back seat, I found my senses once again crowded with the sight and sound of Axios. My inability to dismiss him.

‘I could’ve gone home on my own. You didn’t need to leave with me.’

One sleek eyebrow spiked. ‘You wanted me to stay there and reverse the effect of everything we’ve achieved this evening?’ he replied.

‘You seem to be a master at convincing everyone that the moon is made of caviar. I’m sure they’ll believe whatever you tell them.’

He gave a low, deep laugh. Which drained away as his eyes latched to my face. ‘Perhaps I do have this unique gift you speak of, but I also meant what I said. I’ve missed months of my son’s life. I don’t intend to miss any more.’

‘For how long?’

His whole body froze. ‘Excuse me?’

‘How long do you think this phase of yours will last?’

‘You have lost me...’

A thought that had been niggling me despite his assertion rose to the fore. ‘You didn’t want this marriage and we never got around to discussing children. We’re only here because a condom failed at the crucial juncture.’

‘And you think those circumstances beyond my control preclude me from assuming my mantle of responsibility towards my son? Did it you?’

‘I... It’s different.’

‘How?’ he challenged.

‘I love him! I would do anything for him. While you...’

‘What? Speak your mind, glikia mou.’

‘You just want to show off your virility.’

After several tense seconds he settled back in his seat. ‘You’re right. I do want to show him off. He is my son, after all. As for showing off my virility—again, the evidence is there for all to see. But, while you’re wrong if you think you’re the only one invested in Andreos’s existence, I’m aware that only time will prove what I say to you. So I guess the ball’s in your court on that one.’

‘How so?’

‘You’re the one who’s in a hurry to leave. You say you were always going to come back? I’m choosing to believe you. If you want to ensure my devotion to my son is as strong as yours, then you need to rethink the urgency of your divorce demands, do you not, pethi mou?’

Despite his silky tone his eyes bored into mine in the dark interior of the car, and the notion that he was attempting to see right into my soul assailed me.

The thick lump wedged in my throat stalled my answer. Because time was the one commodity I might not have.


THE LIMO SWEEPING through the gates of his Athens mansion drew from me a breath of relief. But I soon realised I wasn’t going to be set free from Ax’s presence when he trailed me up the stairs to the door of Andreos’s room.