‘He’s in there,’ she said softly. Then melted away.

The faint sound of clinking cutlery reached my ears as I paused to take a fortifying breath. But, aware that no amount of deep breathing could prepare me for the morning after last night, I pushed the door open.

He was seated at the head of a long, exquisitely laid table. Impeccably dressed in formal business attire, minus the jacket, with the sun streaming down on him.

I almost lost my footing at the sheer visceral impact of his masculinity. It really was unfair how attractive Axios Xenakis was. How the simple act of caressing his bottom lip with his forefinger, his brow furrowed in concentration, could spark fire low in my belly.

You’re not here to ogle him.

Fists tightening at the reminder, I approached where he sat. ‘We need to talk.’

He took his time to look up from the tablet propped up neatly next to his plate, to power it down with a flick of his finger before cool grey eyes tracked over me from head to toe and back again.

‘Kalimera, Calypso. Sit down—have something to eat.’

His even tones threw me. He wasn’t behaving like a man who’d left his marriage bed after bedding his virgin wife. In fact, he seemed far too confident. Far too...together for my liking.

When I didn’t immediately obey he rose, his gaze resting on me as he pulled out a chair and...waited.

I sat, because hysteria would achieve nothing. What I intended to say to him could be said standing or sitting. Besides, this close, the potent mix of his warm body and his aftershave was making my head swim. Reminding me of what it had been like to stroke that warm body, to cling to it as fevered bliss overtook me.

‘What’s on your mind?’ he enquired as he poured exquisite-smelling coffee into my cup, then nudged platters containing sliced meats, toast and cheeses towards me.

Cool. He was far too cool.

Something was going on here. I probed his face and saw the slight tension in his jaw. The banked emotion in his eyes. I might have known Axios for less than twenty-four hours, but I’d quickly deciphered that his eyes gave him away. Right now, they were far too shrewd.

My heart jumped into my throat.

‘My father may have put us both in this position, but there’s no reason why we should remain like this.’ Relief welled as my voice emerged strong and steady.

His nod of agreement stunned me. ‘You’re right,’ he said.

‘I am?’

He shrugged. ‘The agreement states that we should be married for a year minimum—not that we need to be in each other’s pocket. Of course that’s not to say it’s cart blanche for you to do as you please.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘It means that for the time being Agistros is yours to enjoy. We will revisit our circumstances again when I return in a few weeks.’

His announcement was still resonating inside me when he rose from the table and strode, his head proud, shoulders stiff, towards the door.

‘When you return? Where will you be?’

He paused, his tall, imposing body swivelling towards where I sat, frozen. ‘In Athens, where my business is, and where I intend to stay for the foreseeable future.’

Despite sensing this had been coming, I found the announcement took me by surprise. ‘You’re leaving me here on my own?’

Theos—could I sound any more alarmed?

He gave a curt, unfeeling nod. ‘It is the best decision.’

I pushed my chair back and stood, feeling a yearning spiralling inside that wouldn’t be silenced. A yearning to know that his condemnation of my father meant that he was different. That, despite tarring me with the same brush as my parent, he wouldn’t punish me too.

‘Why can’t I live in Athens too?’ With you.

It would be the perfect place finally to put my art degree to good use. To start a career.