‘You will know very quickly if this is the right choice for you. If it isn’t, don’t be like me. Don’t accept it as inevitable. Do what is right for you.’

‘What are you talking about, Mama?’

‘Find your own happiness, Callie. Don’t let your father’s actions dictate the rest of your life. Your grandmother said the same thing to me on my wedding day and I didn’t listen.’

‘I don’t think I have a choice. You... Papa—’

‘Forget about me! There’s nothing your father can do that will hurt me any more. Knowing you’re unhappy b

ecause of me will break my heart. Promise me you’ll put yourself first.’


‘Promise me, Callie!’

My promise weighed heavy on my heart as I rose from the bed. For a moment I swayed in place, my limbs weak with recollection and my body heating after every little wanton act of last night.

But, lips firmed, I approached what I hoped was the bathroom. There, further signs that this was Axios’s domain were everywhere—from the luxury male products to the thick dark robe hanging next to the shower.

Trying not to let the intimacy of his belongings get to me, I quickly showered. Thankful for the voluminous towel that covered me from chest to ankle, I was contemplating the less than palatable thought of wearing my wedding dress again when a soft knock broke into my thoughts.

I cleared my throat. ‘Come in.’

One of the younger staff members who helped manage the villa entered with a shy smile. She’d been introduced to me last night, when my senses had been grappling with unfolding events.

With a strained smile, I pulled the robe closer around me and returned her greeting.

Her gaze passed quickly over my towel. ‘May I assist you with anything, kyria?’

‘If you could direct me to where my belongings are, I’d appreciate it.’

‘Of course. This way, please.’

Expecting her to leave the room, I was surprised when she crossed to the opposite side and opened another door.

I followed her through a short hallway into another impressive suite, complete with living room, bathroom and dressing room.

An adjoining suite.

‘I came to ask if you would like some breakfast, Kyria Xenakis?’

The title added another layer of shock to my system and it took me a few seconds to answer with a question of my own. ‘Um...is Kyrios Xenakis still here?’

She nodded. ‘Yes. But he will be leaving soon. So if you wish to—’

‘Yes, I would very much like to. Can you wait for me to get dressed?’

Her eyes widened a touch, probably at the request. But I didn’t care. I needed answers. Needed to know how he intended the next twelve months to proceed. And, if necessary, insist on taking back control of my life.

My father had shown me that he cared nothing about me except as a pawn to further his needs. Regardless of my commitment to Axios, I didn’t intend to be pushed around any more.

That affirmation anchored deep as I concentrated on getting dressed.

The small suitcase that had accompanied me when I left Nicrete was empty, its contents sitting on a lonely shelf in the vast dressing room. But those weren’t the only contents of the large, opulent space. Rack upon rack of clothes were displayed in fashion seasons, with matching shoes arranged by colour, height and style.

Awestruck, I stared. It was by far the most extensive collection I’d seen outside a clothes store. Simply because I didn’t know who the clothes in the closets belonged to, I fished out a simple shirt dress from my own belongings, added comfortable flats and caught my hair in a ponytail.

The maid led me down the stairs and through several halls before stopping at a set of double doors.