Self-consciously, her hand went to the necklace, excuses rising and then dying on her lips as she concluded that she didn’t owe anyone an explanation for Joao’s generosity. Her chin rose and something in her expression made Will’s eyebrow spike.

‘I thoroughly approve of that fierce look, Saffie. Enough to make me throw caution to the wind and say I’ll double whatever Oliviera’s paying you if you change your mind and come work for me.’

Saffron smiled for the first time in a while. ‘Just double? I’ll have you know I received an offer just this week to triple it. An offer I refused.’

‘Ouch.’ He clutched his chest and gave a booming laugh that attracted interested gazes.

Including Joao’s chilling look of disapproval, which stayed on her for several heartbeats before it swung to Will. There it intensified, a combative gleam filming his eyes.

‘Oops, I think I’ve stepped right into your boss’s crosshairs. Should I be terrified?’ Will’s tone was amused with a trace of speculation.

‘Maybe,’ she teased. ‘He knows about your job offer,’ she explained, dragging her gaze from Joao.

Will stared down at her, his eyes twinkling. ‘Dear God, did you feed me to the lion without as much as a heads up?’

She bit her tongue, unwilling to divulge the circumstances surrounding why his name had come up.

Will was still staring at her when Joao approached them, his prowl animalistic and irritatingly hypnotic.

‘Ashby,’ he greeted him with icy curtness.

‘Oliviera, you caught me attempting to poach your assistant again,’ Will said without a trace of apology.

‘So I see. Perhaps it’s time for me to stake my claim once and for all,’ Joao replied, his narrowed gaze holding a chilling challenge that slowly dimmed Will’s smile. Without giving the man a chance to respond, he turned darkly gleaming whisky-gold eyes on her. ‘Do you think that would be necessary, Saffie?’

Her mouth dried because she knew they weren’t talking about work any more. They’d strayed into something brutally personal. Something spellbinding and exhilarating. Something that made her breasts tingle and swell, made her pulse heat up and her feminine core clench with unashamed need.

‘That won’t be necessary. Will knows where he stands,’ she said a little too hurriedly.

Will’s shrewd gaze swung between her and Joao. Then he smiled and nodded. ‘Indeed I do. Enjoy the rest of the evening.’

He walked away with a brisker stride than she’d ever seem him adopt, leaving her with an intensely brooding Joao.

‘If I didn’t know better, I’d say you encourage him in his erroneous beliefs,’ he slanted at her.

He was understandably disgruntled. Normally she would have circumnavigated it by tactfully changing the subject. And considering she’d spent her life tempering her emotions, squashing her hurt and sorrow in the hopes that her prayers would be answered, that she would be picked next time and her desolation and loneliness would end, she should’ve been able to mask it now.

But for some unfathomable reason, Saffie didn’t want to. She wanted to stamp her feet and shout that this was supposed to be an enjoyable experience. A thrilling swansong to end all swansongs before she swapped the roller coaster for what her heart yearned for most.

Joao had never demanded that she temper herself. She’d chosen that path because it was what had served her well in the past.

So why now? Why the urge to flex her emotions, take a leaf from his Latin temperament book and let go, just this once?

Because that’s how Morocco happened!

The bracing reminder made her clutch the glass of champagne she’d barely sipped tighter. ‘Well, I don’t. But I think we need to talk when...when we get back to the hotel.’

‘No,’ he replied succinctly.

‘What? You don’t even know—’

‘Don’t I? You’ve been squirming your way to this since yesterday.’

‘I don’t squirm.’

His smile was tight and taunting. ‘You didn’t before Monday. But the past few days have been enlightening for both of us, haven’t they, Saffie?’

Her insides flipped. ‘I...don’t know what you mean.’