She gasped, moved back to look into his face. ‘You didn’t.’

Now, well into her second trimester, she glowed with the health and beauty attributed to a luc

ky few pregnant women. But he liked to think there was an extra-special something that made the woman of his heart a vision in his eyes.

‘Without you it wasn’t a celebration. And I don’t care about anyone else there as much as I care about you. Only you. I love you, Saffie.’

Tears she’d blushingly attributed to hormones filled her eyes again. ‘I love you, Joao,’ she sighed against his lips. They kissed for an eternity before he raised his head.

‘Besides, I have a feeling I’ve been a little...scary lately. People flinch when I approach. I need you to come back and...soften my edges.’

She laughed. And it was the best sound in the universe. A sound he wanted to roll in. Replicate until it played in an endless loop in his soul.

‘You’ve proved conclusively that you have what it takes to remain the richest man in the world. People are bound to be intimidated whether I’m around or not.’

‘I don’t care about being the richest man in the world. I care about being the best husband to you.’ His hand glided over her stomach and his breath strangled all over again. ‘The best father to these two and however many we have in the future.’ He looked up, deep into her eyes. ‘Marry me, Saffie. Make me the happiest man in the world?’

Again her tears spilled. But she nodded through it, her husky, ‘Sim. Para sempre sim,’ making his own eyes prickle.

They made love again, and just as she was about to drift off he reached for her hand and performed one last task.

Saffie’s eyes opened, then widened as she saw the large, exquisite diamond ring on her finger. ‘Now this piece of jewellery I love. Just as I love you.’

Her eyes met his and she gave him a smile that woke his soul and promised him eternity.


Four years later


Saffie’s steps slowed as her husband raised a finger to his lips in a hush gesture. She paused, studying his expression.

Half amused, completely besotted, he flicked his attention away from her after a second. She smiled, knowing what was absorbing his attention as she tiptoed down the hall in bare feet towards where he was leaning on the wall next to the door that led into their twin sons’ bedroom.

His gaze flicked back to her, lingered on her full breasts, her hips, down to where her peach-coloured night slip ended mid-thigh. When he raised his gaze again, his eyes were filled with the fierce carnal heat that hadn’t dissipated an iota since that first time they’d made love on his divan in Morocco.

It was their first night back in their estate on the outskirts of Sao Paolo. It was good to be back home but she was exhausted and had been waiting for her husband to join her in bed. His continued absence had sent her in search of him.

A noise drew his attention back to their sons’ room. Joao held out his arm and silently motioned for her to join him.

Smiling, Saffie tiptoed past the doorway, and melted into her husband’s side. After he’d dropped a quick kiss on her lips, they peeped together into the room where identical twins, Carlos and Antonio, stood face to face.

‘Watch,’ Joao murmured.

They were engaged in a heated argument, three-year-old Carlos holding aloft his favourite toy, a blue whale he never travelled without. In his hand, Antonio held his second favourite toy. As he blabbered in toddler Portuguese, Antonio started to reach for the whale. A frantic argument broke out.

Saffie started to disengage but Joao held her back. ‘No, meu querida. Watch,’ he insisted under his breath.

The two boys babbled for another few minutes. Then Carlos haltingly held out his blue whale. After a few seconds, Antonio walked off and returned with his red toy truck. They exchanged toys, then the grinning boys fell into each other’s arms, laughing in triumph.

‘A month ago, they would’ve fought like wild horses. They’re learning negotiation skills,’ Joao said, pride stamped in his voice and on his face as he drew Saffie fully into his arms.

She wound her arms around his neck. ‘I don’t think they’re quite ready for the boardroom yet, Joao.’

He brushed his lips over hers, eliciting a thrilling shiver that drew a smug smile to his lips. ‘Perhaps not, but they’re learning to fight for what they want and not walk away until they’re satisfied.’

‘A bit like what you did with their mama?’