“Seventy-five million!” I shout, standing up and knocking over the chair I was sitting in.

“Once, twice, sold!” the announcer says quickly, smacking a hammer down.

I see the smile fall from her face, realizing that the Auction is over and no one else is going to get a chance to bid on her. I see the moment she realizes she’s mine and that she isn’t getting away from me. She may not be happy with how this happened, but I’ll be damned if she’s going to anyone else.

Walking up to the stage, I look up to where she’s standing and adjust my suit jacket.

“Get off the stage, Sweet Cream. You’re mine.”

Chapter Eleven


I can still feel the tension rolling through my body as I wait in the contract room for Sam and Georgia. Minutes tick by as I pace back and forth, wearing the rug thin. I’m scared she might try to run again, and all I can do is wait. I put guards on all the doors outside, just in case. I keep trying to get my nerves to calm. I can’t remember that last time I was on the edge like this. I’m always calm and collected, but Georgia has me wrapped up in a tight knot. I feel like I could break at any moment, and God help anyone standing in the way of me getting to her if that happens.

When the door finally opens, my eyes draw up to land on Sam. She has papers in her hand and a smirk across her red lips. I still don’t know if I should be thanking her or not, but that really doesn’t matter at this point.

“Where is—” My words die off when I see petite little Georgia behind Sam. I’m on her before anyone can protest, pulling her to me and taking her lips in a possessive kiss. She tenses against me at first, then slowly starts to melt into me. She parts her lips slightly, and the taste of her on my tongue has passion and lust beating down on me in heavy waves. I take her lips more aggressively, and her moans fill my ears. The sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. I could have lost this. Lost her. Even if I had tracked her down, it could have taken weeks, maybe months. Time for someone else to try to take her from me. I don’t know how she made it as long as she did without a man putting a ring on her finger. Or a baby in her little body.

Sam clears her throat beside us, forcing us to reluctantly break the kiss and pull me from my thoughts of branding her as mine. I just want to get these final details down and Georgia back to our suite. I want out of here and to start erasing ever having been here. I want to forget that I let it get to this point. Georgia might have agreed to do the Auction, but if I’d done what I should’ve done, it never would have gotten to this point. She wouldn’t have made it out of my suite to begin with.

“I know she’s bought and paid for, but I don’t need a preview of what you plan to do with her.”

I give Sam a hard look, not liking that she thinks this is a fucking joke.

At least I did get one thing out of it. I snatch the papers out of Sam’s hand and pull a pen from my inside pocket. I use the table next to me to sign both contracts and then wait as Georgia and Sam sign as well. Once it’s done, I take them and fold both pieces of paper, placing them in my jacket with my pen.

She’s mine. More than she even knows. A feeling of calm runs through me, and it’s something I haven’t really felt since I laid eyes on her.

“You told him I’d be here, didn’t you?” Georgia says to Sam. Even angry, she still looks sexy, more so with her lipstick all smudged from the kiss I placed on her lips moments ago. I wonder if it smeared onto mine, too.

The thought makes my cock grow harder than it already is, making it ache dully.

“She wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t run from me,” I growl at the reminder.

“Guess you get what you want, after all. Another notch on you bedpost. At least I know the score this time. You don’t have to fill me full of your bullshit lies,” Georgia snaps at me, placing her hands on her hips as she takes a step closer to me. I don’t stop her or try to correct her. I want to hear all she has to say. She’s showing me a part of herself she normally tries to hide.

“I’m well aware of men like you. Fake smiles and sweet words until you get what you want. You use people and make them believe things that aren’t true. At least this way, there are no more games. You want to fuck me like the line of women you seemed to have before me, fine. But you can keep the sweet talk, darlin’. I’m already knee deep in the shit you’ve been shoveling.”

Her words are filled with so much anger and hurt that it burns in the pit of my stomach that someone would do this to her. Make her feel this way.

“You think I’m going to hurt you.” It’s not a question. I heard her every word and felt the pain of them.

“Bless your heart. You must be dumber than a bag of hammers,” she huffs out. I hear Sam snort at the comment. “Of course you were going to hurt me. You can’t say the things you said to a girl and expect her not to fall head over heels.”

“I meant every word I said to you.” I take a step closer to her, needing her to understand. “Every. Word.”

She stares me in the eyes before looking over to Sam, but I keep mine on her.