Both of them had clearly decided to fuck it in that moment. They would fuck with their clothes on, then later without. Both of them were at a dire point of need, unable to wait any longer to put out the fires that had begun to sear their souls together as one.

Maria reached her manicured hands to his jeans, unbuttoning them. She was about a second away from seeing the scene from her dream come to life as her hungry eyes eagerly waited for his dick to come jutting out—

Her eyes suddenly closed shut when a callused middle finger slipped between her folds.

He had found nothing underneath the silky satin short set she wore, discovering her more than wet with need.

Maria opened her eyes when his finger left her.

She thought Dominic had already reached the pentacle of hotness, but then she watched him slip his middle finger into his mouth, sucking her juices off in one, satisfying second.

“Tell me, princess”—licking off the last of her, Dominic’s sexy demeanor would have been terrifying for the weak—“how did your dream go?”

One thing was for certain…

Taking his hand, she brought his middle finger to her lips before sucking his long finger to the back of her throat with the tight seal she created as she slowly pulled it out from her mouth.

… Maria had finally met her match.

At first, Dom was shocked as he watched her action, but then desire fired in his hazel eyes brighter, to a scorching point, when his wet finger hit the cold air. Capturing her lips with his again, she wanted him to see just how ready this princess was for him when he slipped two fingers suddenly deep into her pussy.

The noise that escaped Maria’s mouth was somewhere between a shriek and a shrill as her whole body tensed.

Immediately, Dominic pulled his fingers out, taking a step back from her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s okay.” Maria’s body and voice cried out for him to come back to her. “You didn’t hurt me.”

It was an obvious lie that Dom didn’t believe, having heard and felt her reaction.

A strange look and feeling came over him. “Maria, have you never—”

“I have,” Maria lied again. She closed the little distance he had put between, going up on her tiptoes to kiss him while wrapping her arms around his neck. She tried to bring them back to where they had been. She had high hopes for her “Love on the Brain” part two.

Grabbing her arms, he pulled her hands down from the back of his neck. “You’re lying.”

“No, I’m no—”

“Stop it, Maria,” he demanded. Then confusion hit every part of his face. “I thought you and Kayne ….” Dom couldn’t finish that sentence.

“No.” Maria awkwardly crossed her arms. She hadn’t wanted to be reminded of the man who had previously made them a triangle, but now she couldn’t help compare the two, seeing the differences between them, especially their kisses.

Kayne had kissed tenderly; Dominic did not. Her own body reacted differently to the two men. Any fire Kayne Evans had put in her could be extinguished; Dominic Luciano’s fire, however, could not. But she didn’t exactly want to be reminded of her dead never-ex lover at this point in time, and certainly not like this.

“You assumed.”

“Maria, I don’t give a fuck what you did with him or anyone else, for that matter. That’s not what I’m trying to get at,” Dominic told her honestly. Softening, he gently unwrapped her crossed arms, taking her hands in his and rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. “I just didn’t know that you’ve never been with someone … I just don’t understand why you would lie about something like that.”

Truthfully, Maria hadn’t known it would be that fucking obvious, or hurt in that way. She had expected it to feel uncomfortable at first, but the way Dominic had plunged in was what had her shrieking out in shock before she could bite back the pain. Unfortunately, being an ice princess made her ice over in more than one way. It wasn’t until Kayne had she started to thaw, and now Dominic set her ablaze.

She could tell he immediately regretted it and felt responsible for causing her any pain without checking to see what she could handle, but Maria didn’t blame him. Both of them wanted the same thing urgently, and it wasn’t like she planned to place tender butterfly kisses on his dick either.

“I only lied”—Maria sought his lips, kissing him, wanting to get back to what they had been doing, her body still very much in fucking need—“because I didn’t want you to stop.”

Dominic kissed her precious lips hard for several moments, then made himself pull back. “Princess, you have to stop.”

“No, I don’t.” She smiled, taking his lips again. She managed to get her tongue halfway down his throat again when he pulled away … again. “Why are you doing this?” she asked frustratingly, knowing their teasing games were well over, and if they weren’t, this was beyond cruel. “Why the hell does finding out I’m a virgin change anything?”