Dom gave in. There had never been a chance of escape from Lucifer’s psychotic future for them. The only way he would ever beat Lucifer at his own game was to put his own feelings aside and become what he hated the most—his father.

Dominic forced himself to stop struggling against Lucifer.

Feeling his capitulation, Lucifer loosened his hold.

“If you expect me to fuck her, get off me,” Dom wheezed out with a hiss. He didn’t know how he was supposed to fuck anyone with the mess Lucifer had made out of his body, as well being completely unaroused by the woman waiting to comply to Lucifer’s demands.

Lucifer got off the bed to go stand in front of the door, blocking any escape. It was a useless endeavor. Lucifer had won. He had won the minute he threatened him with Katarina. There was no way he would ever let Anthony lay a hand on her, much less spend the rest of her life married to the betraying bastard.

“Get busy,” Lucifer ordered.

Dom used the corner of blanket to stem the flow of blooding from his nose and saw fear mixed with sympathy coming from the woman.

She didn’t want to be in this situation any more than he did. Both knew they were pawns in Lucifer’s game, and giving in was their only key to survive.

When she unzipped his pants, Dom didn’t try to stop her this time, letting her slip his trousers off first, then his underwear.

“At least you took one thing after me.” Lucifer’s sarcasm as his eyes went to his limp dick had Dominic wanting to use the blanket to cover himself, but he didn’t. He used his humiliation to fuel the hatred he felt in every pore in his being for the man he called Father.

The woman started stroking his dick, and the only thing Dom wanted was to hold down his lunch.

“If you puke, I’ll slit her fucking throat and bring in another slut to get the fucking job done.”

Lucifer’s threat had him gagging back the bile and blood choking him.

Closing his eyes to shut out Lucifer’s and Anthony’s stares, Dominic used his imagination to take himself away from the bedroom that had probably been used hundreds of times to fulfill the customers’ fantasies at the brothel that Lucifer must own.

“You just going to lay there and let her do all the work?”

Dom ignored the goad, tuning his thoughts to another channel where Lucifer, Anthony, and the woman sucking his dick didn’t exist.

Feeling a condom rolled onto his dick, he was almost torn back to reality, but he succeeded in staying in his own thoughts, telling himself he was strong enough to get through this punishment that Lucifer was determined to administer.

Forcing his aching ribs to work, Dom shifted enough to clumsily drag his body over the woman. Inexperienced, it took two tries to find the target, to sink his dick inside of her.

Losing his virginity in front of his father and Anthony hardened his soul enough to complete the act, as he drowned out the excited moans the woman pretended to give. She deserved a fucking Academy award, but he wasn’t so naïve that he wasn’t aware her pussy was dry.

Both of them in a hell of his own making, Dominic blamed himself for ever trusting Anthony and lowering his guard enough for Lucifer to see his disgust about the callous treatment Sal had received from him. Hell, his brother had been the lucky one.

Painfully heaving into a sitting position, Dom sat on the edge of the bed to reach for his pants after disposing the used condom.

“You’re not done.” Lucifer’s black, maniac orbs looked at him before he yelled, “Amy, get your ass in here!”

He could only sit there, shell-shocked, as another woman came into the room and approached the bed, taking off her top.

“This time, make me believe you enjoyed getting some pussy.”

Dominic opened his mouth to tell Lucifer to kill him, as it would be easier than having to live through this hell, but the black eyes stopping him were the precious ones in his mind—his sister’s.

Defeated, he handed over what dignity he had left to hold out his hand. “Give me another condom.”

Three hours and four women later, Lucifer finally stalked toward an exhausted Dominic on the bed.

His cold face stared him down as he reached out, taking Dom’s sweaty chin in a death grip. “Now you can call yourself a man.” Letting go, he reached into his pocket to pull out his silver money clip to start counting bills. “You know, I was worried about you when Angel and Matthias started sneaking out to fuck every girl in Blue Park, but now I see I’ve just kept you too busy.” Lucifer sprinkled the cash down on the bed with a sinister laugh. “You thought it was funny that I fucked a hooker. Well, congrats, son, you’re no better than your old man.”