Page 138 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

He has a point. Maria turned to look at their family and motioned for the couples to come up and share their first dance.

The girls had never dragged their men out of their seats faster, each couple coming up to slow dance together. However, the girls weren’t looking up at their men; their eyes were focused on Jordan James.

Maria had never seen Chloe look at another man in her life, but she was glancing over at the singer, starstruck. Both she and Elle were girly girls at heart and had been in love with the singer since he exploded onto the music scene. Lake and Adalyn being in love with him went without saying.

Hearing the song beginning to end, she looked back at her husband, seeing the pure love in his hazel depths, as he stared at her.

“I have never been so happy in my life, Maria,” he whispered to her with such honestly, as he placed his forehead against hers. “I just want you to know that.”

“I don’t think I have either,” she admitted, closing her eyes, Maria didn’t have many feelings, but she felt many things as their first and most perfect dance came to an end.

All clapping as the song ended, the girls’ much more enthusiastically, Jordan exited off the stage and headed straight for the married couple.

“You’re looking as beautiful as ever, Maria,” Jordan complimented with a sly smile as he gave her a nod before he looked at them both. “Your father wanted me to tell you that he was sorry he couldn’t make it, and he wanted me to congratulate you both, but I think you’re the one to congratulate.” He held out a hand to Dom.

Maria couldn’t help but smile at Dominic, who had a look of shock on his face as he looked at her.

“That is true.” Dom then smiled, taking the singer’s hand. “Thank you for singing for us.”

“No problem.” Jordan’s eyes slightly sparkled, clearly thinking about how he planned to spend the rest of the night. “Well, I hope you all have a lovely rest of your ni—”

“Actually.” Maria stopped him from leaving, watching the men drag their women back to their seats to keep them away from the singer. “Do you think you can sing a few more of your best hits for me?”

“I don’t actually sing a lot of my songs anymore,” Jordan told her, not wanting to sing the songs that had made him famous at fifteen.

“Listen, I would tell you that I’d make sure you were taken care of for the rest of your stay,” Maria just cut to the chase, giving him the blunt and honest truth, “but my friends are all in love with you, and I’m really just trying to piss my brothers and their boyfriends off.”

“Well, in that case”—Jordan smiled a million-dollar smile as he looked at the uncomfortable men in the room—“I will.”

Appreciating her honesty, Jordan headed back to the stage and began singing the song that made him famous as the girls started screaming and rushing the stage to dance together, leaving their men behind.

I knew he would understand. She mentally smiled to herself, knowing Jordan liked pissing people off as much as she did.

Knowing exactly where his wife wanted to go, they headed toward the table of men.

“So, you’re telling me I got to marry probably the only woman in the world who turned down Jordan James?” Dom said to Maria.

Matthias, who had been taking a sip of his champagne, spit it out. “You turned down him?” He was one of the only ones unbothered by Jordan’s presence, since he didn’t have a woman. “I thought I might have lost my touch when I met you.”

Taking a seat on Dominic’s lap, she smiled, as it was clear he didn’t feel anything toward her now, but it had apparently worried him that his playboy antics might have been wearing off.

“Oh, please,” Vincent snarled at her, watching Lake lose her shit, knowing Maria was the reason Jordan was still singing. “Maria’s turned down every man in the city because she’s a frigid bitch. It’s not a compliment.” He nodded a furious head toward Dominic. “God only knows why she lets you touch her.”

“Watch it,” Maria hissed at him in warning before Dom could say anything, and he quickly realized he didn’t need to stick up for her at all.

“What are you gonna do?” He tried to look through them to where they suddenly blocked his view of the girls freaking out. “Poke me with your little heel?”

Lucca’s attention, that had been on his fiancée, went to Vincent’s face, waiting for it, as did Dom’s. Nero gave his friend a sympathetic look.

Vincent stupidly continued, his eyes not on Maria. “Oh, I’m so fucking scare— What the fuck!”

If they hadn’t been watching Vincent, then their eyes would have been drawn by the flash of the object whizzing by. The only one who missed it was Leo, not looking at Vincent until he yelled.