Page 107 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

“Yes,” Dominic said, already opening his car door.

Unbuckling her seat belt, she switched seats and put her ass back in the passenger seat much sooner than he had expected.

Even though Maria had an inkling driving wasn’t meant for her … “Maybe I need to try an automati—”

“No, you don’t,” Dominic informed, glad to be back behind the wheel. “Eat your little black heart out by having men drive you around.”

Maria laughed. “I tried to tell you.”

“Well, you were right. I just thought you would have been sick of having to ride in taxis lately.”

“I mean, well, technically, I’ve been getting Uber Black,” she told him that she had been getting her rides from the premium side of the car service. “But yes, it’s not as nice as having one of Lucca’s men driving me around, but that would mean I’d have to go back to having a bodyguard.”

“And you still think that would be a bad thing?” he asked, putting his Mustang in first gear. Their little One-Shot problem had yet to be solved.

“Yes, I don’t need anyone else getting hurt or dying for me,” Maria told him, her mind made. “Especially considering I just buried my fourth bodyguard—”

The tires screeching to a halt had Maria thanking God she wore a seat belt, even though they were in an empty parking lot, as her head jerked forward. “What the fuck, Dominic!”

Dom’s voice shook the car. “FOUR?”


High-Maintenance Bitch

“You took me to a car museum?” Maria asked as they entered the building, seeing all the old-fashioned cars filling the space. “You were supposed to take me out to dinner.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re high maintenance?” Dominic placed a proprietary arm around her waist as they waited in line behind multiple couples.

“Well, you don’t call me princess for nothing.”

“No, I don’t.” Dom laughed. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”

“I just never knew there were so many people interested in old cars.” Bored, Maria tried to force an interest in something Dominic obviously had. “Which one is your favorite?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never really looked around.”

Inwardly, Maria groaned. She was going to have to put on her game face and pretend she was going to be enthralled with each car that had been restored, just so she might get lucky at the end of the night.

Moving forward in line, she heard a couple in front of them give their names to the staff behind the counter.

“You have to have a reservation to look at cars?” Maria gave a brief glance around. “I’ve seen it all. Let’s go.”

Dominic gave an exasperated breath while keeping her firmly in place beside him with the hand on her waist. “Maria, give it a chance.”

“That’s what I’m doing. Let’s go hit a drive-thru and eat at my place.” Maria gave a silent groan when the line moved and the couple went around the side and down a stairwell. “There’re even more cars downstairs?”

Jesus. By the time they got out of there, Maria would be gray before losing her virginity.

Her question was asked to Dom’s back as he moved forward. Maria was so hungry she wished now she had eaten the ketchup eggs.


The worker gave a nod, not looking up from her computer. “You’re right on time. Go ahead.”

Dom nodded his own head. “Thank you.”

Finding herself being ushered down the steps, she was relieved she had no intention of marrying Dominic. What man in this universe would rather spend the night at a museum over getting their brains fucke—

Suddenly, Maria had to grab onto Dom’s arm at the end of the steps as the light became so dim she could barely see. “How are we supposed to see the cars in the dark?”

As the words came out of her mouth, a light appeared as they walked farther along. Drawing nearer, she could see a hostess waiting for them. Gaping, Maria followed the hostess as she traversed them through tables glowing in the candlelight.

Wow … For the first time tonight, Maria was speechless.

“Still want to go back to your apartment?” Dominic grinned, holding a chair out for her.

Maria gave him her sweetest smile. “Right after I eat, I do.”

Dom’s dimples appeared as he took a seat across from her.

“You keep smiling at me like that, and I’m going to change my mind again,” she warned.

“Too late,” Dominic said as a bread basket was placed down on the table. “Once you taste that, you won’t be leaving.”

Maria peeled back the linen covering the bread to take a warm slice. Picking up her bread knife, she smeared butter on it before taking a bite. “Mmm …,” she moaned. “You’re right.”

“I’m glad you like it, princess,” he said, taking his own slice of heaven as she looked over the menu.

“What’s good?”

Dominic shrugged. “Not sure.”

“You’ve never been here before?” she asked as she arched her brow.