“Pretty fucking bad,” Bristol admitted, grabbing another slice. “That’s why I had to talk to you before word gets around. I don’t know how many people Kayne told about our breakup, and once news gets around that I’m back, I don’t want you to hear any rumors before I have a chance to explain.”

“What rumors? We aren’t in high school anymore—”

“I didn’t come home back home by myself.” Bristol paused. “My son is with me.”

“Your son? Why would that matter …? ” Dom trailed off, seeing her embarrassed expression. The wheels finally clicked in place. “Kayne’s the father; that’s why you waited to come back until after he died.”

She swallowed hard as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red. “Yes.”

“Oh …,” he said slowly.

“Kayne broke up with me the day I found out I was pregnant. He told me it was because I was getting too serious and he was leaving for college. He said it would make the break easier.” Bristol gave a bitter laugh. “I knew he wanted his freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted to, so I gave him his freedom.”

For once, Dominic actually felt bad for Kayne. Being sent to his grave without even knowing he had a son was harsh.

“You still should have told him, Bristol.”

Looking down at her plate, her voice cracked as a single tear slid down her face. “I know.”

Reaching out, Dom took her hand ….


Maria knocked on the front door in a hurry, still knocking when it opened.

“I need to speak to Dom.”

It was the second day in a row she’d shown up on their doorstep. The first time, she failed. Now she was trying to make things right so she could sleep in peace for once.

“He’s not here,” Cassius told her.

“When is he going to be back?” It was midday, and he could take all night again. “It’s important.”

Cassius looked toward the driveway. “Well, I could take you to him.”

“Thanks,” Maria answered gratefully, relieved she wouldn’t have to wait all night to clean her conscience.

Yesterday she didn’t know what the hell she was doing, but today, she felt strangely antsy to see him, and she didn’t like the feeling.

Walking down the driveway, she headed toward the passenger side door of the car parked there, having taken a taxi here yet again, but when Cassius didn’t go in the direction and instead grabbed a bike, Maria looked at him strangely. “What are you doing?”

Cassius straddled it, balancing the metal between his legs. “Taking you to see Dom.”

“Uh, no.” Maria shook her head matter-of-factly. “Why can’t we take this?”

“That’s Matthias’s car, he’ll kill me, besides I haven’t bothered to get my permit yet.”

“There is no way in hell I’m getting on that thing. Where would I even sit?”

“Right here.” Cassius patted the handlebars. “Do you want to see Dom or not?”

Maria thought for several moments before she stomped forward in defeat.

The young Luciano held out his hand. “Give me your heels.”

Okay, now this was going too far. Her shoes never came off her feet for anything. If they did, then that activity wasn’t for her.

“Excuse me?”

“If we crash, they’ll break your ankles. Come on.” He snapped a finger, trying to get her to hurry.

“If we crash?” Maria lifted a leg, pulling the first one off then the other, already regretting this. “How about you don’t make us crash?”

“I’ll do what I can,” he told her, grabbing the shoe from her hand, then sliding the toe part of the stiletto onto the end of the handlebar.

Her mouth dropped open, watching him shove it roughly into the handlebar so it would fit tightly. “Those are Jimmy Choo!” Holding her other one hostage, she continued, “I’ll just wear the—”

“It won’t matter what the fuck they are”—Cassius snatched the heel out of her hand—“when they’re cutting it off your foot in the emergency room after your ankle snaps in half.”

Maria slit her eyes, watching her newly most hated Luciano destroy her brand new Jimmy Choos.

“Come on.” Cassius patted the handlebars again, this time with a slight tilt to his lips.

“I can’t believe you don’t have a permit.” Maria turned, beginning to awkwardly place her ass on the uncomfortable handlebars. All her brothers had been on the DMV’s doorstep on their fifteenth birthday.

“And where’s your car?” he asked, holding the bike in place for her to safely get on. “Aren’t you like twenty-five?”

I’m twenty-two, you little shi—

“I liked you better when you didn’t talk as much,” Maria grumbled. Placing her bare feet on the foot pegs that stuck out from the center of the front wheel, she thought about how this didn’t feel safe at all. “You know, I didn’t think you’d be above breaking the law ….”

“I’m not.” Cassius placed the sole of his shoe on the pedal. “But there’s one thing you should know if you’re going to be with Dom.”