When Drago had given his underboss a nod that she was the one he wanted to marry, Dominic had to choose between Katarina or Angel. He could pull the Glock out from behind his back and blow Lucca’s and Drago’s brains outs, and they could try to make a run for it out of the city before the Carusos found out, leaving Angel behind. Or he could let Lucca walk out that door and keep everything he had worked hard for, but it’d cost him his sister.

Dominic’s fingers flexed, itching to go for the Glock at his back as Lucca walked past him.

Letting Lucca go was the hardest fucking decision of his life, but he promised himself one thing.

One day …





For The Love Of God, Be Fucking Ugly

The anger Dominic felt over the next few weeks was about to reach a boiling point. He had never in his existence felt so helpless, and that was saying a lot, considering the hell his father had put him through the second he was born.

One sibling already belonged to the Carusos for the foreseeable future, and now Katarina was set to join Angel.

Taking over the Luciano throne was supposed to make his life easier, not harder. The worst fucking part was that, for the first time, the Luciano siblings could finally be happy together … and they had even been stripped of that.

“Some car just pulled into our driveway,” Cassius had told them, looking out the front window.

Dominic and Matthias instinctively looked at each other before Dom could ask Cassius what he wanted to know.

“Brand new Cadillac.”

“Shit.” Dominic pulled his Glock from behind his back and cocked it so a bullet was ready in the chamber.

Matthias’s voice grew with the same worry that Dom felt in his heart. “I thought they weren’t supposed to come for Kat until after the wedding?”

“Do you know who it is?” Dominic’s tone was serious, mentally preparing himself for the worst.

“It’s a Caruso, for sure,” Cass answered when he saw the fancy suit, protectiveness for his sister becoming apparent in his voice. “He’s opening the door for someone else now … It’s a”—Cassius seemed confused at who he was looking at—“girl?”


“Yeah, some blonde in heels,” Cassius described her.

“Blonde girl in heels?” Matthias quickly jumped up then ran to the window to see, the worry in his voice suddenly gone. “God … damn …,” the twin breathed out the words upon seeing her.

Who in the fuck could that—

“It’s the fucking boss’s daughter,” Matthias said in disbelief. “Maria Caruso.”

Dominic’s heart beat hard in his chest at the name. The sudden image of the fourteen-year-old girl in the white dress at her mother’s funeral appeared in his mind.

“Oh.” Cassius went back to the couch, no longer concerned for his sister.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Dominic thought he had been worried before, but now he really was. The boss’s daughter belonged nowhere near Blue Park. He didn’t want to be in a ten-foot radius of her. Dante and Lucca would kill the whole Luciano bloodline if anything happened to her. He knew that because, if he had the power Lucca held, every Caruso man would be buried twelve feet deep, because six feet was still too close to the surface for him when it came to Kat.

“Relax.” Matthias, whose ass had been depressed the day Angel was handed over, suddenly looked like life no longer felt bleak.

Dominic felt it the second she took a step on the porch, his memory flooding with the strong but strange feeling he had felt for her all those years ago. It was a pull. His body was drawn to what was on the other side of the door before she even knocked.

Watching his brother’s hand go to the doorknob, Dominic gave one small prayer as those feelings washed over him. Please, for the love of God, be fucking ugly.

And, by ugly, he meant the hunchback of Notre fucking Dame better come through that door, because every nerve ending in his body waited in anticipation to see her again. Even though he knew it would be impossible—considering how beautiful she’d been at fourteen, sending grown men into a frenzy—still, he prayed for Quasimodo ….

Matthias opened the goddamned door.


If he knew any better, he would walk right up, tell her to get lost, and then slam the door right in her pretty face. But the problem was, it wasn’t just pretty; it was the most gorgeous fucking face he had ever seen. Anything he had realistically imagined her to look like before the door had opened was topped. At the most, he thought she’d be beautiful, kinda look like Reese Witherspoon. What he got was Reese Witherspoon from Kat’s favorite movie, Legally Blonde, mixed with Marilyn Monroe. Maria was a goddamn sin wrapped in pretty packaging that was pulled straight from Hugh Hefner’s dreams.