Page 142 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

“You are the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, like it took all his strength not to come on her now.

Loving the sensation of what felt like a very large cock on her, she couldn’t help but pout, wanting to see more of him as he stood there, still clothed. “I wish you would let me see yo—”

Maria gave a start of surprise when she felt the tip of his cock enter her. The slight pain had her head falling back against the bed as pure pleasure rocked her world, her nails digging deeper into the sheets she was about to pierce through.

“Am I hurting you?” Dom asked, the fear in him slightly returning.

Quickly, Maria answered, “No,” greedily making sure her word held no hint of anything but satisfaction. The last thing she wanted was his conscience stopping this. It might feel a bit uncomfortable, but it would hurt a hell of a lot more if he stopped.

“Good.” Dom’s voice was pure seduction. The slow movement of his dick slid higher inside of her when he bent her knees to her chest, pushing on the back of her thighs until he folded her, only her heels in the air.

Seeing the sweat that beaded his brow, she knew he was still trying to hold back from hurting her. His movements were slow and precise while his eyes told her he wanted more.

Maria tried to coax him, as if it was his first time and not hers. “I don’t break. Fuck me harder.”

“Maria …,” he hissed. “I don’t need instructions.” He began rocking against her, barely increasing his speed.

“Are you trying to drive me insane?”

“Yes, it’s the best part of my dream.” His voice slightly softened as he continued his motions inside of her. “You falling apart in my arms, wanting more and more, a night with Maria Caruso screaming my name; what man could ask for more?”

Maybe a man couldn’t, but a woman could.

Maria started to plead, “Faster.”

He moved against her faster. “Like this?”

“Yes!” Damn, him going faster just made the ache worse. “Slow down.”

“No, princess.” He showed her pussy no remorse. “There’s no going back now.”

His thrusts became harder, faster, searing flames of desire coursing through her body as Dom’s hips slammed against hers.

If he expected a limp noodle in his bed, he was about to get educated.

Forcing her legs from his grasp, she crossed them behind his back, lifting herself into his thrusts.

Excitement built higher as they moved together, battling each other in an erotic skirmish of wills to bring the other to surrender. Maria was no submissive and would never be. Dominic was willing to give in to Maria’s demands, but in bed, he wanted to exert his dominance.

Maria writhed under him, arching into him to drive him deeper. Smiling, he showed his dimples as he leaned down, branding her nipple with his tongue, twirling the bud before biting down.

For the first time, Maria gave in as she screamed his name. It felt too fucking good. In reward, she felt the ache burst into an explosion that had her clinging to him. Feeling his cock jerk inside of her only set Maria off on another round of explosions.

Damn. From his confident smile as he kissed her, there was no way Dom didn’t know she had come twice. Fine, he might have won the first battle, but he had promised her the next turn. There was plenty of time for war.

“My turn.” She smiled as she rose up and made him stand back, fully erect. Now she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “I want your clothes off.”

Maria went to the buttons of his shirt, slowly unbuttoning them one by one from where she sat on the edge of the bed. Dom stood there, letting her have her turn as she made him slip the shirt off his shoulders.

Her throat constricted, tightening as she looked up at his body. Every fucking muscle was fully formed. He had a goddamn six pack that had to be sculpted by God Himself. Under his coat, Dominic had hid the fact he was ripped beyond belief, and even her dreams couldn’t compare to the body she had imagined.

“I thought you would have more tattoos?” At least that was how she had dreamed him.

He shook his head. “Only the ones on my fingers. A tattoo has to have meaning for me to get.”

What she didn’t understand was why he had tried so hard to keep her from seeing his body, denying her request each time. Until now, as the city lights caught the imperfections in his tanned skin. The little scars that riddled his body, Maria didn’t have to ask who or what they’d come from. It was why that eight letter word rested on his fingers had meaning.

If he expected her to hate them, then he was dead fucking wrong.