Page 139 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

Vincent grabbed the side of his face that hadn’t been black and blue from her husband. “What the hell was that? A fucking hammer?”

“My little heel,” Maria said, proud that she had hit her target perfectly.

“Jesus Christ!” Vincent wiped the blood that was beginning to form on his cheekbone. “What is it fucking made of? Cement?”

Both Lucca and Dominic knew what it was like to have blood drawn by the woman, and they looked awfully pleased.

“No … crystals.”

Cassius was the one to pick up the shoe. He gave the slightest hint of a smile when he gave it gave it back to her.

“You better not have hurt my wife’s shoe, or I’ll break the other side of your face and make you pay for a new pair.”

“Me?” Vincent looked at Dom like he was crazy. “I’m the fucking victim! She threw it at me!”

Maria gave the shoe a once-over, seeing they still looked brand new. “I like Louboutin for a reason. They’re fine.”

“Good, ’cause I think she already broke the rest of my face.” Vincent held the throbbing pain on his face, feeling like the shoe from hell broke something.

“I don’t know why you’re surprised after yesterday,” Amo spat at him like he was an idiot.

“What happened yesterday?” Dom asked.

All the men looked at him. Clearly, the girls had folded once they were alone with their men.

Maria gave her shoe a little twirl, daring one of them to speak. Not one uttered a word as she slipped it back on ….


The girls screeching behind them had all their heads turning as Jordan took off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his button-up white shirt that was hardly buttoned to reveal the black and white tattoos.

Matthias proudly raised his glass to the pussy legend on stage as he addressed the guys around him. “Men, this is why you invest in tattoos.”

“He has a point,” Angel bit out, watching Adalyn lose her shit.

Drago looked to be the most furious as his voice came out guttural. “I thought Kat was raised with a bunch of brothers?”

“She was, but I encouraged her love of girly things because it was cute.” Dominic took the champagne from his brother-in-law’s hand. “You’re welcome.”

Maria couldn’t help but laugh, enjoying Drago’s pain. It was obvious her husband had had fun raising a girl out of a bunch of boys.

“Man, Elle wouldn’t even kiss me last night, and now this.” Nero looked frustrated. “She ain’t gonna want nothing to do with me for a week.”

“Yeah, because these two couldn’t even manage to date for five fucking seconds,” Vincent threw at them. “I told you this would happen. They all expect us to get down on one knee now.”

The only reason Dominic wasn’t jumping over the table was because Maria sat in his lap. “Will someone please tell me who the fuck invited this prick? Because I specifically remember never inviting you.”

“I’m Lake’s plus one.” Vincent looked at him stupidly. “Duh.”

“It’s okay.” Maria patted Dom’s chest, keeping him down. “If you knock him out a second time, he won’t wake up and he’ll miss this.”

“In that case, thanks for coming.” Settling back, Dom agreed that him having to watch Jordan serenade his girl was better.

Vincent gave him a silent fuck you with his eyes.

Maria thought Lucca sat awfully quiet as he watched Chloe. She knew her brother, but even she couldn’t tell his dark thoughts behind his blue-green eyes.

“Y’all really must not know women.” Matthias tossed back his drink. “Because this means they are going to leave here horny as fuck, and yes, they might be imagining Jordan as they’re fucking you, but they will put out a lot.”

She could see the men were torn between loving and hating that fact, while one of them just hated it …

“Thanks for that,” Dominic gritted out, downing the rest of the contents of his glass as he sat beside Drago.

Drago the tank scooted his chair a bit to the side, unsure if their second fight would end in a tie.

Running her hands over his chest, she soothed him, instantly calming him and silently reminding him that his sister was married and happy and nothing else mattered.

“So, what exactly did the girls do yesterday?” he asked, smiling as he raised a brow.

Maria gave them all a daring look, but the one she would never hurt spoke. “They broke into some guy’s car and dumped a bunch of glitter in it,” Leo told him.

“That’s some serious fucked up shit,” Matthias spat at her, unable to imagine the thought in his precious baby.

“No, it was just,” she stated, making herself clear. “He cheated on a girl with her own sister.”

“We heard.” Lucca shot her a look but didn’t look too mad.

“I wonder”—Dominic took her chin with his fingers that now displayed a glistening ring—“whose idea it was.”