Page 126 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

“No.” Lucca’s grave voice had all the girls stopping but her.

This time, Dominic tried. “Come back here, Maria.”

Maria stopped, wondering if Dominic’s dick was going to be worth it. She decided it was as she turned back around.

Nero almost fell out of his seat. “Oh my God.”

Passing Dominic, she went right up to Lucca, knowing it wasn’t her future husband who minded if they went out.

“We can all go out together.” It wasn’t her brother who spoke, but the underboss.

Maria simply said one word. “No.”

“Maria,” Lucca said her name in warning that he was trying to be understanding. “I can’t have you girls go out unprotected.”

“Fine.” She already knew Lucca would never let Chloe go out without a guard. It was time to counter. “We’ll take Vincent. You all don’t want him anyway.”

“Well, I might want to stay, depending on what kind of bachelor party we’re talki—”

“It won’t be that kind of party,” Dominic hissed before turning to agree. “Fine by me.”

Lucca shook his head. “He’s an idiot.”

“Actually, I’d love to go.” Vincent got up to wrap an arm around Lake. “They’ll probably have more fun anyway.”

“He’s an idiot, but he’s crazy,” Maria told Lucca, knowing he wasn’t worthless when it came down to it.

“One isn’t enough for all you girls,” Lucca denied her again.

“Amo’s not busy.” With a smile, Maria said the name of the man who wasn’t there.

She was very interested to find out if Lucca was going to let Amo watch over Chloe.

Lucca flexed his jaw, but when he didn’t turn it down right away, Maria thought she just might have him ….

“I’ll be with her. I won’t let anything happen,” she promised.

“Where are you going?” Lucca finally asked, seeming to relent as everyone watched Maria talk the boogieman into getting her way.

“Oh, you know, dress shopping. That’s about it.” That was all Maria was willing to give away.

The whole room was shocked as Lucca, reached into his pocket to pull out a black credit card.


And so was Maria as she stared at the card, knowing, in a weird way, it was him asking for forgiveness. He was extending an olive branch to put their brother/sister bond back to where it had been before everything had happened. If she took it, apology accepted.

Sliding the card out of his hand, she thought about how she missed him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Lucca’s deep breath told her she had her brother back, but no sooner did the mask slip back to the underboss. “I want updates every hour, and you all back by midnight.”

“Then I want rules too,” Maria countered. “Vincent and Amo have to stay ten steps back at all times, and they are not allowed to talk to us.”

“Deal.” Lucca nodded, liking the last part, before turning to the pretty boy, who made them all want to pull their hair out. “Talk or touch Lake while you’re out, and I’ll kill you.”

Vincent looked at them like they were crazy. “Lake’s my girlfr—”

“Not tonight she isn’t.” Maria gave him a wicked smile that had all the boyfriends scared.

“Maria,” Lucca began to warn her again, then decided to give up. “Try not to get in too much trouble.”

“I’m a changed woman.” Maria sweetly smiled as she went back to kiss Dominic.

Still not used to the sight, Nero had to look away. He and the other men got up to speak with their girlfriends, out of fear for what Maria had planned for them.

“You’re not worried?” Maria asked, wrapping her arms around Dominic.

“No.” He laughed, showing his dimples. “Should I be?”

“Nope.” Maria gave him another tender peck. “Should I?”

“No,” Dom assured her, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “your dress better be white this time, princess.”

“No promises …,” she teased, letting him go. Then she began separating the couples and taking the girls.

Lucca had let Chloe go first. He seemed to not be worried at all, which meant he either was the most nervous and didn’t want to show it or he really trusted Chloe.

Drago was next, but he was only nervous because he was afraid Maria would get Kat’s ass in trouble, since the two of them together weren’t a good mix for men.

Angel was nervous, knowing Adalyn was boy crazy, like Lake, and he knew if men strippers were involved, it could be bad.

Nero was the most nervous, however, knowing the type of shit his sister was capable of. He straight-out didn’t trust Maria, then his trust dipped in Elle because, when he went to kiss her, Elle had turned, giving her his cheek.

Internally Maria laughed, wondering how long it would take him to realize why.

And Vincent thought he was fine, because he was going to be joining them. Little did he know he wasn’t going to have the least bit fun.

“Maria …,” Lucca called her name for the last time. “End up in jail, and I’ll let you rot there on the night before your wedding while I bail Chloe out.”