Page 103 of Dominic (Made Men 8)

“No,” Matthias simply responded, going to take another large drink, but Dom got up from the table, taking the carton out of his hand. He set it down on the counter, along with a glass on the counter for him. “Use a glass. And that goes for you, too, Cass,” he instructed, turning to look at Cassius taking his last bite.

“All right.” Cass gave him a nod.

“Jesus, next, she’ll be having us put down the toilet seat—”

“That too,” Dominic informed them.

I think I’m in l—

“Oh my God.” Matthias glared evilly at her and not his brother, who was starting to make the rules.

Maria smiled happily back at the pissed-off brother, flipping her gold locks behind a shoulder as they both mentally flicked each other off.

When DeeDee filled up Cass’s plate with the rest of the eggs, Maria’s stomach turned.

“I need to get home,” she informed Dominic, because she had a date at the spa before she could go on their actual date tonight. Plus, she wanted to spend a few hours with Leo, as all the siblings were taking turns being with him.

“Matthias will give you a ride back to the Casino Hotel.” Seeing the massive eye roll, Dom continued before his brother could bitch. “I have a few things I need to handle today before I see you tonight.”

“Okay,” Maria told him, understanding. It wouldn’t be great for her either, but if it pissed Matthias off, it worked out for her.

“I’ll pick you up at six,” Dominic informed her with a smile as he walked back to where she sat at the table. Leaning down, he forced her chin up for a quick kiss with an inked finger. “And wear white, princess.”

Maria’s green eyes went wide as she watched him walk away just as quickly as he had kissed her. Her cheeks actually might have flushed, but she was too embarrassed to touch them in front of everyone. The only thing that saved her was that DeeDee was the only one who seemed to care. It was clear on the woman’s face that she hadn’t believed Maria when she’d told her she was Dominic’s friend … but now she did.

“Can I go?” Cass asked before Dom could leave the room.

Dominic stopped for a moment to turn around. “Not today.”

“It’s okay if he wants to come,” Maria offered. “I don’t min—”

“No, I need him to go to work with me today,” Dominic told her.

Nodding, Cassius didn’t seem to mind going with Dom. “Okay.”

Maria glanced between the two brothers, finding that strange ….

“Come on, your highness.” Matthias opened the front door and took a dramatic bow. “Your chariot awaits!”


Eat Your Little Black Heart Out

Hearing the knock on the door, Maria couldn’t help but smile as she checked herself out in the mirror. Her feet were as smooth as a baby’s bottom, and her toes and nails were freshly painted white … just like Dominic had wanted, but that was where it ended.

He had wanted her dressed in white, like a pretty bride, but Maria made it perfectly clear what she wanted. Smoothing her very tight, form-fitting dress down her body, it hugged every curve and left absolutely nothing up to the imagination as it was … nude. And not just any nude, her exact nude that matched her tanned skin perfectly. From a distance, you would do a double-take, thinking she was naked when, in fact, she was not. Up close, however, the dress could pass for lingerie as the part that hugged her breasts was lacy and appeared almost see-through, as it was actually a built-in bustier creating two perfect, high-placed mounds.

If Dominic wasn’t going to fuck her until she had a ring on her finger, she was going to make him pay hard.

Hearing another knock, Maria picked up her small rhinestone clutch that matched the long rhinestone clip she had in her blonde hair that kept the right side of her softly curled hair behind her shoulder. Clicking her super skinny nude stilettos on the floor, she opened the door.

“Dear”—Dominic’s widened hazel eyes slid down her body slowly—“God.” Clearing his throat, he actually had to wipe his brow. “I-I thought I asked you to wear white.”

“You don’t like it?” she asked with a smile.

“No, you know I do, princess.” Dominic gritted the words out, clearly struggling. “But that’s the problem.”

Licking her bottom lip, she gave him a hot look. “Well, I thought we could skip the white.”

Knowing exactly what she meant, Dominic craned her neck up like he liked to do with his finger. It was clear he liked the way she had done her hair as he had the view of her long neck on display.

Leaning down, he whispered huskily into her exposed ear, “Next time I ask you to wear a certain color, princess … do it.”

“Or what?” she challenged with a raised, newly perfected manicured brow.