Piper is there too, sitting over at the other counter eating pancakes dripping in syrup. Her legs swing back and forth and she looks better. Her cheeks have a little more color to them and she doesn’t seem as nervous.

“She’s fine, I’ve been keeping tabs,” Ford whispers in my ear then kisses my cheek so no one notices we’re whispering. Tia must hear something because her eyes get bigger.

“I don’t know why your son is telling everyone he’s my boyfriend!” she blurts out in a rambled rush so fast you’d think I was interrogating her. Piper giggles. “He’s not,” Tia shouts, looking over toward Piper.

She shoves another bite of pancake into her mouth even as she’s laughing and Tia looks about seven shades of red.

“Okay, I didn’t know that one.” Ford has his back to the girls and looks down at me. He smirks and I don’t know what’s going on but things are starting to feel settled again and my man is smiling. In my world that means everything is fine. I’ll ask Van about what he’s up to later. If he’s anything like his dad he knows what he’s doing.

Chapter Six


Honey is in the office again today and although I’m not completely okay with it, I’m beginning to relax. She’s somehow figured out how to make me feel calm and worked up all at the same time and I think she enjoys torturing me.

As if reading my mind, she looks up from her desk and winks at me.

“Hey Honey,” a camper says as they walk through the office and drop off one of the medical backpacks.

“Hey there,” Honey says with a bright cheery smile.

“Watch it,” I caution and the little guy’s eyes widen as he slowly steps away and back outside.

I stomp over to the bag and take out the cool packs and pop them in the freezer and pull out some fresh ones.

Another camper comes skipping in to pick it up and looks right past me. “Hi, Honey!”

“Really?” I ask, and she gently takes the bag from me as she backs out just like the guy before.

I growl low in my chest and I can hear my wife trying to muffle her laughter from behind me.

“Should have changed your first name when we got married,” I grumble and I hear her sigh.

“They’re kids, Ford. It’s harmless.”

“Sure.” I grab a stack of papers and straighten them angrily as I wonder if everyone is conspiring against me. “I think they stand outside and plan it.”

I’m aggressively stapling the daily schedules when the screen door slams open.

“What?” I bark, assuming it’s a kid, but when I hear someone clear their throat I look up.

A big guy in a black polo shirt and khakis comes inside and takes off his sunglasses. He’s got dark eyes and hair that is almost as black as his shirt. He looks around the room and smiles wide, revealing straight white teeth.

“Sorry to bother you.” His smile is easy and it’s not that he’s raising any suspicions but a guy dressed like he is usually isn’t destined for the wilderness. “I’m looking for someone.”

I feel Honey step up beside me and place a hand on my lower back. “Currently we have our summer programs in full swing. As you can probably appreciate, we keep the student records confidential due to custody arrangements.”

We had some trouble a few years back with a couple going through a bitter divorce. They were using the kids against one another and the dad tried to come pull the kids out of the camp their mom had registered them for, claiming it was his weekend. We had to call the cops and child protective services and since then we keep a tight lid on our campers and don’t allow non-employees on the grounds. The office is the first cabin you come to when you enter Camp Hardwood so no one could get past us even if they wanted to. Moose made sure of that.

“I completely understand. I’m actually looking for a counselor.” He doesn’t make a move to come closer and his smile is stuck in place. “Her name is Piper.”

I feel Honey tense against me and her nails dig into my back. I don’t react but instead match his cool demeanor and cock my head to the side. “I’m afraid I don’t know anyone by that name.”

If this guy is a friend of Piper’s we can tell her he showed up and she can get in touch with him, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he’s the reason she showed up here with a baby on the way.

“She might be going by another name. She’s about this tall.” He holds up his hand below his shoulder and then looks back at me. “Dark hair, green eyes, can’t miss her.”

Honey steps forward and leans on the counter casually. “I’ve hired all the staff this season and we don’t have anyone by that description.” Her voice is smooth and calm. Damn, she’s good. “Are you sure you have the right camp? There’s a boy scout camp on the other side of the lake, and a church camp about three hours from here. I can get you the names if you’d like.”