Page 35 of Chloe (Made Men 3)

I knew they were getting close fast.

“That is so freaking sweet.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Elle retorted. “Listen, Chloe, if you get to school before me, I can’t help you.”

She liked the other subject matter better, not wanting to think about getting to her first period by herself. “I know. I can figure out something, I guess. I’ll be there at the exact time we always are.”

“All right. I’ll try to be there at the same time, but we know Nero is late practically every morning.”

“I know.” She hoped her voice sounded stronger than it was.

The pause over the line showed her it didn’t.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“Bye.” Chloe went to hang up, knowing her friend not only needed to head to work, but wouldn’t be able to say bye back.

The night was spent trying her best to keep busy with plenty of homework. The only break she took was when Lana brought dinner to her room, but after finishing it, she went straight back to her school work.

When her phone dinged later on, she read the text message from Elle.

Amo will be at school before you get there. Stay with him till I get there, okay?

No freaking way! She was happy her friend was concerned, but the last thing she wanted was for the beast to get more opportunities to walk her to class.

Quickly, she typed Elle a message back. Please, no, Elle. I’ll be fine.

Chewing on her nails, she waited anxiously for her reply. Finally, when her phone dinged again, she read the message. Cassandra could be back tomorrow. Amo will meet you at your parking spot, all right? You know it’s the best thing.

Dang it! She hated when Elle was right like that.

She typed in her regretful answer and hit send.


Falling back on the bed, she tried her best not to think about tomorrow. She slowly started drifting …

You thought I wasn’t going to actually sit beside you, didn’t you?

Chloe shot her eyes open, expecting to see the beast, but no one was there.

Shivering, she remembered how close his arms had come to touching her during class …

She shook her head, trying to keep the thoughts of him away.

Too afraid to close her eyes again, she stared at the ceiling where a pair of black depths flashed before her. At first, she could tell they were Amo’s because they had a sort of sparkle to them. They were black, but not so black the person didn’t have a soul.

Then the pair slowly became darker, growing abnormally large. These eyes had no soul behind them. Only evil lived behind those depths.

Unable to stare into the wicked eyes a moment longer, she had only closed her eyes for a second before the whisper of hands gripped her wrists.

Fighting to open her eyes again, she didn’t have much time until—

Stay still, little girl, he whispered to her, or it’ll just hurt worse.

It was too late; the devil had come for her.

* * *

Getting to school early the next morning, Amo hadn’t expected to see Chloe’s car still there. He had thought her father would have taken care of it ASAP, not wanting to leave a BMW sitting in a parking lot.

Exhausted, he leaned on the hood, rubbing his eyes. So fucking tired.

Yesterday had left him stressed out of his mind from dealing with those ridiculous girls. One in particular had crawled deep under his skin. Therefore, he had decided to call up Christa, a girl he had met who went to public school, to help calm his nerves. And make me forget about that fucking crazy-assed Chloe.

Needless to say, it hadn’t really worked. Right when he had almost forgotten about her, Nero had called, interrupting his fun to tell him to be at the school early in the morning to babysit Chloe.

Several different feelings of dislike arose again, and Amo couldn’t help thinking it was a bunch of bullshit that he was getting the shitty end of the job. Nero looked like he was off playing the fucking hero with Elle, and the likelihood that he was going to get laid out of it was pretty high. Amo, on the other hand, had to deal with her best friend who clearly had too many problems to count on one hand, just so Nero could stick his hand down Elle’s panties.

Dammit, that fucker made me the damn babysitter, didn’t he?

Well, he wanted to know why in the hell Vincent hadn’t been nominated. He loved watching girls, and the more damaged, the better it was to him.

That was it. He was getting pretty boy to watch her.

Amo didn’t like the way Chloe made him feel. He felt like he had done nothing except constantly think about her since he had stared at her in Health class just a few short days ago. The only reason he had looked at her was because Nero had gone over to their lunch table, and Amo had been trying to figure out why he had gone up to them in the first place.